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Tuesday, September 07, 2004


Have you ever been confused about really serious issues in your life? Have you ever come to the point in your life when you think, "what if I am really messing this all up???"

Its hard being 25. This is the one thing I have realized this year. Im an adult now. Forget when you turn 18 and register to vote. That doesnt matter because I have not voted in the 7 years that I have been eligible to. It doesnt happen when you turn 21, because I could buy liquor way before then. It didnt happen when I graduated college, because college graduations come to kids age13 and senior citizens age 63, so who can say that is adulthood.

Adulthood is when you get to that point in life where you must do it yourself. You have a job, hopefully on your way to a career. You have your own place to live, whether you rent or own. You are responsible for your own bills, and sometimes you get behind. You have developed solid relationships with people you call "friends". You are finally responsible for your day to day life. No one wakes you up, but you. No one tells you what to wear, but you. No one tells you what to eat or prepares it, but you. No one budgets your money or gives you an allowance.

No one gives you the important answers to life's toughest questions or solutions to life's toughest problems. That's on you! Im realizing this now, and it is hard as hell to deal with.

What to do? Where to go? Who to turn to? What next? How far? How much? When?


pimpin aint easy


Blogger tigrebalm said...

Here are all of your answers, use this as a template for life:

What to do? All the things that make you happy.

Where to go? To the ends of the earth if you have to.

Who to turn to? God, duh..that one was easy.

What next? Tomorrow

How far? As far as you can

How much? As much as you can handle

When? Today

1:42 PM, September 17, 2004  

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