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Tuesday, September 07, 2004


Work sucks. No, really, it really does suck.

I hate having to get up, shower, get dressed, leave my house, and travel to work. I have other things to do with my life like write my book.

I wish I had money. Im not saying I wish I was filthy rich. I just wish that I had enough money to take care of all of my monthly expenses. That way, I wouldnt have to work, and I could wrie my book and focus on exercising daily.

Sometimes, Im too tired to exercise. If I feel the slightest hint of tiredness, I mentally make tons of excuses to not work out. I suddenly begin to feel pains in muscles, tightness in joints, etc.

Im the worst.

So if I didnt have to get up and go to work (even though I have two part-time jobs),maybe I would be able to work out more effectively. Id also be free to write my book.

I weighed myself yesterday. 15 lpounds less than when I weighed myself two and a half weeks ago. And this was after stuffing my face with labor day foods. I guess this shows progress, right?

I bought some whey powder and flaxseed like they say to do in that Abs Diet book im reading. I also got some high fiber cereal. I wont even go into the details of THAT experience. Let's just say fiber, not just milk, does a body gooooood. I plan to keep it up. I also got these mega multi-vitamins that have like 500-1000% of every daily dose of vitamins. Crazy eh? Made my piss greenish yellow. Had to go potty like 50 eleven times.

Well with the whey powder protein shakes, the flaxseed supplement, the multi-vitamins, the fiber, the excess water I have been drinking, and the food decrease/exercise increase...I should meetmy goal of losing 150 lbs by my 10 year high school reunion in May of 2007.

think I can do it? well, if you dont, I do!!


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