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Monday, March 14, 2005

Blog Stealers

Danjaruz Demeanor:

Daily Danjaruz Deliberation:
Been caught stealing,
Once, when I was five
I enjoy stealing
It's as simple as that
And it's
Just a
Simple Fact

When I want something
And I don't wanna pay for it
I walk right
Through the door
Walk right through the door

Hey alright
If I get by
It's mine...mine, all mine

Danjaruz Disclosures, Declarations, and Diatribes:

Stop now, you thieves!!!


OK so, yes, I peruse other blogs. I love reading about people's lives, thoughts, drama, etc. It is fun. The same way people love reading mine and get a kick out of some things or relate to others, this is what blogs are for right?

So yes, I began my blog about 6 or 7 months ago, and there have been blogs that have been aroudn for a few years, but not amongst the people I know or interact with regularly. There are a few people I immediately put on because I figured they could use the outlet. Other people were inspired to create blogs, because of me, as they have said to me.

"Michelle, your blog inspired me to create my own"

My response is almost always "That's a beautiful thing, I look forward to reading it"

But then there are those secondary people who began blogging because of those people. And I know they peep my blog regularly. Some even leave not-so-anonymous rants in my comment sections. Others write about me in round-about ways in their blogs. Cool. I appreciate and welcome all energy and shine. Makes my star brighter.

However, I have encountered a lot of biting. From my format, to my style of writing, to even the Music Videos I put on my blog.

Huh? what part of the game is this? [Mel and Dawn are excused because they are D&D Divas and can do what the fuck they want]

Ok, so yes, I borrow other people's ideas for blog entries, but I ALWAYS give credit or make it known that I borrow it from another blog, or that I was inspired by someone else. I don't need to bite, I borrow and give credit.

I'm addressing the straight up biters, the jackers, the people fronting like they are original. Yes, I know you are reading this thinking "This bitch has a lot of nerve" but the fact is YOU ARE STILL READING MY SHIT AND BITING IT.

Get ya own suckas. Be original. I know I'm inspirational. Immitation is the highest form of flattery and many people in Blog-land are inundating me with flattery. Gracias!

But for real. Stop. Lol
It isnt sexy.

Try something new, it might work for you. Better yet, keep biting my style.
I'll try and show love to all of my minions.

and what??!!

Anyone else wanna write some Haiku? LOL

ha ha bitches...

Danjaruz Haiku:
Stop stealing my shit
Opposite of sexy
Is what your shit is


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