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Thursday, March 10, 2005

Many Faces of Michelle

Danjaruz Demeanor:

Daily Danjaruz Deliberation:
My first trip inside I met someone I never met before
I enjoyed his company so everyday I'd stop to say hello
One day I took him with me and inside we had a ball
So I asked him if he'd like to come here everyday
(just to come with me, baby)

The next day I just couldn't find him and I didn't wonder why
Till almost recently I didn't understand
Yesterday waves goodbye but she also likes to stare
Till I passed a mirror I couldn't figure out why
(oh why oh why oh why? no.....)

In the presence of mirrors I come face to face with you
In the presence of mirrors I come face to face with you
In the presence of mirrors I come face to face with you
Which is me, Which is me, Which is me....

Danjaruz Disclosures, Declarations, and Diatribes:
I have repeatedly encountered this notion that I have several personalities or that I am, at the very least, multifaceted. Allow me to explore the people I see when I look into life's mirrors...

Michelle: The Foundation. Michelle is the intellectual, the thinker, the scholar. Michelle has a deep thirst for knowledge. Michelle is rational and logical, carefully analyzing everything around her. Michelle isnt often swayed by emotion, and acts in accordance to what seems logical and right. Michelle is also the compassionate person. Michelle will fight for several causes, including domestic violence, homelessness, HIV/AIDS, and foster children. Michelle is the future Peace Corps member, willing to sacrifice her own luxuries for the sake of helping others survive.

Benee: (Not to be confused with "Miss Benee") The Lover, the Idealist, and the Romantic. Benee is the one who wishes for love, seeks it in all the wrong places, and sacrifices herself in the name of love. Very few have been exposed to Benee, and those who have know that they have achieved a special status in my life. Not everyone can call me Benee and expect me to respond. It is reserved for those 'special' individuals. Benee loves to love and be loved, yet Benee is almost always crushed in the end. Benee is the part of me that keeps trying.

Miss Benee: The Writer. Miss Benee is the one who brings the fire, either in poetry, prose, essay, play, blog, or online chatting. Miss Benee's pen is lethal, comforting, destructive, expository, easing, and inspirational. Miss Benee is the creative, crafty side of me, the word manipulator, truth-sayer, line-jotter, rhyme-spitter. Miss Benee aims to make people laugh, cry, and nod their heads in agreement.

Shelly: The Abused. This is the abused, molested, raped, crushed part of me. Do not use this name, as Shelly is tucked away far deep in an unpenetrable place.

Chelle: The Friend. This is the name used by my grandmother and best friend. This is the person who will give her last dollar to s afriend in need, even if the rent is 2 months overdue. Chelle will be there with you through the struggles, hard times, joyous occasions, and laughter. Need a shirt, Chelle will take her's off and hand it to you. Chelle will drive 850 miles to polish your cabinets with Murphy Oil Soap (love you grandma!!)

Danja(ruz): The Strength. Danja has the thick skin and the sharp tongue. Danja will hurt you before you can hurt you and if you have succeeded in hurting first, Danja will erase you from memory. Danja is less concerned with emotions and affairs of the heart and more concerned with getting hers. Danja exists with the "Fuck you, Pay me" attitude that scares people because it is so strong. Don't come at Danja with bullshit, because she sniffs it out a mile away. Danja has been broken more than enough times to know how to avoid it. Danja gets what Danja wants, no matter who or what gets trampled on in the process. Danja speaks as Danja wants, with little regard for the feelings of others. Danja is the wild out, hilarious party girl. Danja drinks, smokes, fucks, and ditches. Watch out for Danja, because she isnt watching out for you.

These are just a few of the "personalities" I recognize within myself. These are just my perceptions of these personalities. This is what I see when I look in the mirror.


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