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Monday, March 07, 2005

100 things about me

Ok so Im going to do it. I've seen other people do this blog and Im thinking DAMN, that is a lot of things to say about me. But here goes.

100 Things about Michelle/Danja

1. My name is michelle benee watson
2. I am the daughter of a lesbian
3. I am heterosexual
4. I have an aversion to twat
5. I love men
6. My favorite color is blue
7. I have no children
8. I want 4 sons
9. I went to boarding school
10. Im an Ivy grad
11. I have a B.A. in sociology of deviance and law AND african-american studies
12. I have really good friends
13. I have a half brother and step-brother by my dad
14. I am not close to my family
15. I have ADD
16. I have had 2 nervous breakdowns in my life
17. Im fat
18. I'm 6'0 tall
19. I love sushi
20. I only like 3 songs by Jill Scott
22. I have an ecclectic taste in music
23. Most of my friends live in other states
24. I love Metallica
25. My fav Metallica song is "One"
26. I dont like Maxwell
27. I think Maxwell is gay
28. I cant understand how people love D'angelo, Bilal, Andre 3000, etc but dont have extreme love for Prince
29. I do not believe Michael Jackson touched those kids
30. I am tired of hip hop beefs
31. 50 cent makes me sick
32. I think too much
33. I love sex
34. I love free dinners
35. I like big tall fat men
36. I have a fixation with football players
37. Football is my favorite sport
38. I dont like watching basketball
39. I think athletes are overpaid
40. I think actors making $20 million a film are overpaid
41. Will Smith could get it from me
42. I would let Jada watch Will give me the dick
43. I love my nappy hair
44. I havent had a perm since 1996
45. I had locs down my back for 5 years
46. I cut my locs in Sept. of 2003 for many reasons
47. I'm diggin Kelly Clarkson and Im glad she won American Idol
48. I love reality television
49. I love America's Next Top Model, Survivor, Celebrity Fit Club, Amazing Race, Fear Factor, Surreal Life
50. I love investigator shows likw CSI and Law & Order
51. I was an addict of both Beverly Hills 90210 and Dawson's Creek
52. I love a boy I call "Pumpkin"
53. I want to be a public school teacher
54. I want to be a world famous author
55. I am not a big fan of poetry, although I taught it and occasionally write it
56. My poetry is better than that of many people who love writing poetry, and I dont like writing it.
57. Im an anal poetry critic
58. Im anal period
59. Im overly generous
60. I have the tendancy to put other people and their needs ahead of myself and my own
61. It is hard for me to be selfish, although I am working on it
62. I have a very low tolerance for stupid people
63. I think most people are stupid
64. I have a very low tolerance for most people
65. I have issues with anonymity
66. I like being the center of attention, even though I do not have to work hard at being the center of attention
67. Im flatulent and have no qualsm about it
68. I have a hard time eating meat lasagne, potato salad, rice and peas, and stuffing
69. I do not like watermelon
70. I have bad skin, it is hereditary, I dont front about it
71. I wear glasses
72. I havent worn glasses since August when I lost them after a party doing shit I shouldnt have been doing
73. I am 25 years old
74. I have a sick, twisted sense of humor
75. Im sarcastic
76. I love to read classic literature
77. I despise "urban" fiction, but I understand that it has its place
78. I have had sprint cell phone service for about 3 years.
79. Im behind in most of my bills
80. I'm a survivor of domestic abuse
81. Im a rape survivor
82. I used to smoke a lot of weed, like 3 or 4 blunts a day
83. I smoked cigarettes from age 14 to 24.
84. I can drink anyone under the table
85. Purple Rain is my fav movie, believe it or not
86. Jesus Christ Superstar is a close second
87. I come to love people very easily
88. I have this blog so people can stop asking me shit
89. Everything people need to know is somewhere in the annals of this blog
90. I'm terrified of marriage
91. My favorite position for sex is doggy style
92. My favorite author is James Baldwin
93. My favorite book is Go Tell It On The Mountain
94. I love the Jazzyfatnastees
95. I have met entirely too many celebrities
96. Ive dated two professional football players
97. I believe a person can be "in love" with more than one person at the same time
98. I have about 45-50K in student loans and I doubt I will ever pay them off.
99. I want to, and am planning on joining the Peace Corps.
100. My ultimate goal in life is to be a good mother.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks for the B-day wish!

i like Kelly too and Dawson't Creek ROCKS!

5:02 PM, March 07, 2005  

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