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Friday, February 25, 2005

What is a ho?

Danjaruz Demeanor:

Daily Danjaruz Deliberation:
If I wanna take a guy home with me tonight
It's none of your business
And if she wanna be a freak and sell it on the weekend
It's none of your business
Now you, shouldn't even get into who I'm givin' skins to
It's none of yo business
So don't try, to go and change my mind, I'll tell you one more time
It's none of yo business

...I treat a man like he treats me
The difference between a hooker and a ho ain't nothin' but a fee
So hold your tongue tightly, wish you could be like me
You're poppin' all that mess only to stress and to spite me
Now you can get with that or you can get with this
But I don't give a shit cuz really it's none of your business...

Danjaruz Disclosures, Declarations, and Diatribes:
What is a ho? I have heard this term thrown around for so many years. I've even been labeled as such a time or two, even before I began having sex, because I always hung out with boys. My mother said people talked about her the same way for the same reason, yet she was a lesbian. Go figure.

I had a conversation with a man yesterday who said women are claiming he is a ho, saying that he is sleeping around with all of these women, and he claims he is not. Whether he is or not, what makes him a ho? Why are we so quick to label someone as a ho? Is it because we are envious of this person's actions, wishing we got as much "play" as he or she does? Is it because we are insecure about our own social lives? Is it because we know that we, too, are hoes?

Why are people so concerned about the sexual activity of others? The only reason I can think of is that we wish we were sleeping with these people, and we are mad that they seem to be sleeping with everyone but us. As crazy as that sounds, it is almost always true. I mean, what other reason would we care?

If I say that all I want from a man is dick or dinner, am I ho? If I have no interest in being in a relationship because men make me sick, and I use them simply for dinner and/or dick, am I a ho? Hmmm, something to think about.

I asked my friend the other day if she thinks I am a ho. She said that I was ho-like or ho-ish. LOL. This is funny, because my people don't judge me. They might lecture me or "fuss" at me as one friend put it, but they do not judge me. Nor do I judge them. In fact, I encourage their control of their sexual beings.

Get the dick, don't let the dick get you.

I admit the dick has gotten me a few times. Or maybe it was all of the skin and bones around the dick and the Bullshit Silk woven around me at the time, who knows. I have realized that I give a lot and do a lot simply because someone has some good dick. But see, knowing this has prompted me to behave differently, or at least think about things differently.

Aint no dick in this world worth that many thoughts.

Understanding this, I do what I have to do. I enjoy sex and make no qualms about it. I have had everything from weak, 30-second brothers, to cock diesel all night pleasers. I have been with emotionally unstable men and careless fuckahs. I have been with men who masked true feelings and those who were incapable of any feelings. What I do know is this. Pussy is a powerful drug as is dick.

Recently, I have had a string of exes coming at me with declarations of "i love you" "i miss you" "I wish I'd done things differently" etc. Im wondering, is it ME or is it the pussy that has them coming back after all of these months and years? I know that I have grown by leaps and bounds over the last few years and maybe they see this new me, this focused and determined me. This "take-no-shit" me and they are drawn to it. *shrug*

They make me wanna be a ho. lol

So many men, so little me. What is a beautiful woman to do?

Make em pay for dinner and keep stocked in Magnum XLs.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Me and you go back a bit, and from what I never really cared about what others thought of you, as long as you was doing what you like. So why be concerned now? If you wanna ride, go ride...just remember to have the dick wear a helmet. And maybe one for his head too cuz you are quite strong indeed!


3:47 PM, February 25, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well I been called it all.. A "ho" "freak" hell even a couple called me a "dude".. I dont even know where they get it from. I love sex, if I could have it everyday all day. I will be the first to open my legs. It has to be with the one I am with though.. I dont like to be labeled. Just by looking at me you wouldnt even think I liked sex. I wish all get off their high horses. Cause you and I know that these people who claim not to do things in the light.. Sho hell do it in the dark. Keep being you and keep it safe...

9:16 AM, February 28, 2005  

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