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Friday, February 25, 2005


Danjaruz Dialogue:
*this was a convo had between a homie and me. just thought it was interesting to vent my frustrations like this lol. Name has been deleted to protect the innocent*

*disclaimer: if you are offended by any part of this, FUCK YOU*

********* : just read ur blog... quite funny
Ms. Watson:
********* : just don't know about that ho label tho
Ms. Watson: im still trying to figure it out
*********: its weird
Ms. Watson: i could care less who is fucking who
Ms. Watson: so why bother pointing and calling someone a ho?
*********: i guess everyone lives by their own "codes"
Ms. Watson: doesnt affect me
********* : and if someone is living outside that code
Ms. Watson: unless they trying to fuck me and bring me HIV or something
********* : they can in turn be called a ho
********* : i feel u
Ms. Watson: its up to every individually i guess
********* : i hate labels myself
Ms. Watson: but im more concerned about the labeling
Ms. Watson: less what it is
Ms. Watson: if i fuck a diff guy every night, why should people call me a ho?
*********: but have been prone to use the word ho 1 or 2.... thousand times
Ms. Watson: why do they care
Ms. Watson: its my body
*********: iono
Ms. Watson: exactly
********* : its weird
Ms. Watson: no reason to
Ms. Watson: no reason to be concerned about my personal life
Ms. Watson: unless its a dude trying to hit it
Ms. Watson: or a chic mad cuz i fucked the dude she been after
*********: i guess if its someone that they are close to.. and feel u are playing that person out by ur actions... they will judge u
Ms. Watson: and they can
Ms. Watson: but in turn, it doesnt affect them personally
Ms. Watson: and they have no direct control over it
*********: tright
Ms. Watson: this creates insecurity and a feeling of helpless ness
*********: true
Ms. Watson: and thus they turn to labeling
Ms. Watson: cuz thats easy
********* : very
Ms. Watson: like a skinny chic who is ugly, will always hate on a pretty fat girl
Ms. Watson: why? cuz she is insecure
********* : yes
Ms. Watson: and has nothing better to do
********* : i never understood y fat and ugly alwayys have to be grouped together
Ms. Watson: exactly
********* : eh
********* : so goes the world
Ms. Watson: indeed
Ms. Watson: which is why im not pressed either way
********* : i'm a ho too
Ms. Watson: but did u catch the dick & dinner post?
*********: bout to read it
*********: u always have interesting things to say
Ms. Watson: i guess
Ms. Watson: they interest me
Ms. Watson: thats all that matters
*********: maybe i need to create a blog... i jst am not dedicated enough to update it everyday
Ms. Watson: not everyone does it everyday
Ms. Watson: some do once a week
Ms. Watson: some do twice a month
Ms. Watson: its cathartic
********* : i could imagine
********* : i need to get back into writing
Ms. Watson: ive exposed so much of myself
Ms. Watson: that i think people are more drawn to me now
Ms. Watson: cuz i never said anythign about me before
Ms. Watson: im a private person
Ms. Watson: but now people see more of me, and im finding more and more people are trying to be around me
Ms. Watson: i dont particularly care for that but whatever lol
********* : i know what u mean
*********: give me the fortune fuck the fame
Ms. Watson: now that im on the fuck you, feed me kick... fools are coming with the i love u, i miss u shit
Ms. Watson: im lke get the fuck outta my face
********* : lol
Ms. Watson: bitches
********* : another of my favorite words
Ms. Watson: i think some men, who have been in my life, see themselves as contributors to my current view of men
Ms. Watson: and feel they have to prove something
Ms. Watson: or feel that they can show me that not all men are bad
Ms. Watson: but im like , no really dude, yall all are that bad lol
*********: lol
********* : no we're not
********* : i can speak for myself
Ms. Watson: ok but see people like you arent "men" to me
Ms. Watson: feel me?
Ms. Watson: like i dont see u in the realm of these peons
Ms. Watson: cuz i have neither dated nor fucked u nor do i have any desire to
Ms. Watson: so you are removed from that
********* : lol
Ms. Watson: my male "friends" take offense
Ms. Watson: im like SHUT UP
Ms. Watson: stupid asses im not talking about yall
********* : thank goodness
*********: ok
********* : in other words....
*********: if it don't apply let it fly
Ms. Watson: its the dumb fuckahs who have tested me, continue to test me...
Ms. Watson: yes!
Ms. Watson: if i hear another sorry ass "i love you" imma scream
Ms. Watson: this week alone, 6 men have uttered that nonsense
Ms. Watson: im like fuck you and the horse u rode in on
*********: lol
Ms. Watson: ugh
*********: must be the life
Ms. Watson: bitches
Ms. Watson: must be nothing
Ms. Watson: its only cuz i want nothing to do with any of them
*********: true
Ms. Watson: when i wanted to be THAT woman, they wanted none of it
********* : thats the male psyche
Ms. Watson: now that i dont want them, its all about "i love you michelle"
Ms. Watson: FUCK YOU
Ms. Watson: this dude read my shit and was like, well that doesnt apply to me
Ms. Watson: i was like, but arent u taking me to dinner on ********?
Ms. Watson: he was like...ummm uhhhh
Ms. Watson: i was like EXACTLY
Ms. Watson: dick and/or dinner
Ms. Watson: bitch
********* : ur hilarious
********* : but i gotta run hon
*********: enjoy ur wknd
Ms. Watson: im just tired ********* is what i am
Ms. Watson: ok
Ms. Watson: u too

*smiley exchanges*

********* : u so nice
Ms. Watson: occasinoally
Ms. Watson: peace
*********: peace
Ms. Watson: can i post this convo in my blog but take out your name?
********* : oh lord
*********: sure
Ms. Watson: thanks bye


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