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Sunday, September 26, 2004

Fall is here...Winter soon come

Danjaruz Depiction:

Daily Danjaruz Deliberation:
Summer is over, yes!!!

Danjaruz Disclosures, Declarations, and Diatribes:
I do not like the summer. I'm a fall/early winter type of woman. The summer means hot & sticky, which means sweaty and greasy face, hot-and-botheredness. I am all for the fall and winter. Cool breezes that wake me up in the morning when sleep compels me to remain in its embrace. Snuggling up at night in the warmth of my bed, sticking my feet out to catch a cool breeze on my big toe.

This is a transition period. Things are stirring up in my life. On some levels, I am progressing, moving towards reaching my goals. On other levels, I am regressing, seeking solace in spiritual lonliness. Winter is hard. It is hard to be alone in the winter. I'm not trying to be alone in the winter. I will have my peace this winter.

Danjaruz Haiku:
Dangerous winter
I fear you, yet I need you
In you I seek peace


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