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Friday, January 07, 2005

Dear God

Daily Danjaruz Deliberation:Soon I will be done, with the troubles of the world.

Danjaruz Disclosures, Declarations, and Diatribes:
This is such a trying time but I am doing my best not to claim it. This is the time to pray and release the ties that are binding me and my spirit. Too much negativity in the universe. Too much death and hard times. My friend is in jail. My student died this weekend. My grandmother has been in the hospital.

Lord, I need a positive light. I have my interview coming up. Lord, give me that light. Shine it my way. Calm and relax me enough to be able to make it through this interview. You know this is what I want more than anything in this world. This is my dream, ever since I was a little girl. I know I can do this. I can make a change in their lives. Please come through for me and help me come through for myself.

Im praying for my friend. Send an angel to sit with him. As he said, there is an ongoing conversation between You and he. He may have not said much lately, but he listens, Lord. Speak to him and comfort him. He needs you and he might be too ashamed to ask for help. I am asking for him. I love him, you know this Lord. Protect my friend.

I am praying for my student. She was too young God. Too young, she was a baby. I will not rebuke you as I have in the past; I just cannot understand why the innocent have to suffer and leave so soon. She was SO bright and had SO much to give this world. We needed her, the future needed her.

I am praying for my grandmother and all other people suffering with kidney problems. Dialysis is a very trying process and takes so much out of people. She is older and has lived a full life. But I pray more for those who are still too young to have to deal with stuff like this.

I am praying for the victims of the tsunami, their souls be at rest. I am praying for the survivors and that they are able to live through the grief. I pray that disease does not take over and take more lives. I am praying for relief.

I am so emotionally exhausted right now. I am physically drained. Mentally, Im two events away from insanity. Hold me, protect me, and remain by my side, as you always have been.


Blogger MBT4679 said...

Thank you very much. It is indeed a trying time, but I am finding not just for me, but for a lot of people around me. We just need to continue to pray and keep our heads above water.

12:16 PM, January 08, 2005  

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