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Friday, October 22, 2004

Danja on Voting

Danjaruz Disclosures, Declarations, and Diatribes:

This is something i challenge every black person in this country to
think about...

As a collective, we dont have a strong voting voice. We have maybe
20 million registered/eligible if that. 20 million in a country of
300 million is nothing. It really isnt. Regardless of what anyone
says, our voice isnt strong.

two tears in a bucket...

the dems and repubs know this, which is specifically why they do not
do anything for us, they dont cater to us, they dont go out of their
way to represent us. they are NOT us. and even if none of us ever
voted, they wouldnt be swayed one way or the other.

bush and kerry have a lot in common. both come from wealth, both went to yale and are in skull and bones. kerry and bush are in agreement on MANY issues, but because kerry is NOT bush, suddenly he is the go to guy.

kerry has been in senate for 20 years and how many of us even heard of him before this? not too long ago, Howard Dean was the front runner for our party. One speech he gets overzealous and we run to someone else, with the fickle nature of a disinterested two year old. Dean would be someone Id consider voting for....maybe...

Kerry is banking on being NOT BUSH to get votes. He doesnt campaign to blacks or latinos. He campaigns where he has huge white support, huge GREEN support, and it isnt in the black community.

the same way we give free advertisement to liquor, car, and clothing companies, we are giving Kerry free campaign time. WE are doing his work for him, for FREE. Has he even acknowledged us? Has he acknowledged the efforts of puffy and russell? has he met with them in any public way? no, but you know how black folks are. we ready to
do anything for massah and expect no reward. *rolling eyes*

we are sheep. we follow whatever is the latest trend. suddenly voting is "sexy". suddenly political activism is "chic". gimme an effin break already. this coming from the same MEN who think wearing fur coats, excessive jewels, and make-up is "Sexy". The hip hop generation being represented?? Is Benzino smoking crack? If he
thinks any presidential candidate even gives any credit to the idea of there being a hip hop generation, much less giving any care or concern to it, he is NUTS. Hip hoppers can vote independent if they want, neither Kerry nor Bush is overly concerned with where there votes go, and you can be sure they dont even count them or factor them in.

im neither republican nor democratic. im a registered socialist. I dont buy into this bipartisan crap, and this is why im not voting for Bush or Kerry. I do not support with candidate, therefor neither candidate gets my vote.

Getting Bush out of the office and putting Kerry in will NOT change amerikkka. Kerry is no better than Bush, come on folks, he really isnt. George Bush will win because those americans not walking around blinders and earmuffs KNOW this. They are more pissed at kerry trying to win this election on the IM NOT BUSH ticket, than they are
pissed at Bush's presidency.

PResidents preside over governments. Kerry can be elected and still have to work with and be held accountable by a republican government. What can he do then?? They wont let him raise minimum wage. They wont let him do anything more about gay marriage. He cant bring the troops home any sooner. He cant do anything about
stem cell research, thats up to the supreme court. He can appoint justices, but lets start hoping some die or retire during his term lol.

As a people, we need to REALLY think about things. What is most important to us? Being represented? Getting rid of Bush only to put another Rich, white, conservative man in office? Using our votes for power or giving empty votes? An empty vote to me is when you vote for one person to vote against another. I cannot vote for someone I
support, regardless of who else is running. That is why people abstain; because they dont support either candidate. What is Kerry really going to do that will be so different? Everything he tries to do, the government will be like BAMMMMM roadblock.

Black people, it is OK to do that. It is ok to say im registered but im not voting for either because I do not support either. Neither candidate cares about black people in this country. Neither has any concern about issues pertinent to our communities. Neither is aware that HIV/AIDS is killing black women at disgusting rates. Neither is doing much for OUR schoosl (which still are pretty segregated).

WE need to focus more on our local officials. Our city councilmen and women, aldermen and women, the people we put in the house of representatives, our state senators, governors, mayors, etc. These are the people who have bigger impacts on our daily lives. this is a union of 50 states, each with its on set of laws. A republican government demands less input from the federal government and more state power. WE need to determine who runs our states and cities. That is where the change is.

Everyone says we owe it to our ancestors to vote. half of my ancestors never had a problem with voting lol. We owe it to ourselves to vote intelligently. Voting like a sheep is not intelligent, nor is it worth anything. Your vote is your whisper in
the din of the american political system. What you do with it is up to you. Dont be led blindly by sneaky campaign tactics. THINK for yourself. What exactly do you know about John Kerry? John Edwards?

Yes, most black democrats dont know what democrat means lol. They buy into capitalism which is a derivative of what brought us over here in the first place (read: GREED). We buy into the American Dream but we must be dreaming if we think it is designed for US.

Most black people just go on hearsay, spoon fed thoughts, etc. We have a serious epidemic of "band-wagonism" permeating our ranks, and its destroying us.

If I hear another person say they are against gay marriage, against abortion, in favor of the war, against government hand outs and turn around and say they are voting democrat or voting for Kerry, IM goingto scream. That is purely unintelligent and EXACTLY what John Kerry is banking on.

Chances are, he wont win. If he does, so be it. America will still be America. Red, blue, and GREEN. Not black, not brown, not yellow.

I thought this would be the year I would vote. It isnt. I still have yet to be impressed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Danja Ruz,

You are so right!.. I completely agree with your voting blog… I see we have so many ideas in common.. Even though I have never met you before I like the way you think and frankly we as black people better re-orient our thinking or else, we are headed for oblivion (politically speaking that is)… I know it is a dire prediction, but a true one.. Danja Ruz, more power to you sista, and I hope we get a chance to share some intellectual ideas real soon.. Email:

11:59 AM, November 26, 2004  

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