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Monday, November 22, 2004

Claim Me

Daily Danjaruz Deliberation: It's funny how EMOTIONS change a situation. Miscommunication leads to complications.

Danjaruz Disclosures, Declarations, and Diatribes:
*singing* I love you, you love me, we're a happy family, cuz I love him too, and that one is good too, and well they return the feelings and then there is him, and him, and him...

Need to stop singing because I could go on all day. What exactly do I want? I do not know. I am finally admitting it to myself and the world: Michelle does not know what she wants to do with her "love" life!

I honestly believe I am waiting for some special man to come and claim me, make me settle down, make me calm down, tell me that I have to be his and that we have to make this "thing" happen. See, I guess I have learned from past experiences that when men are ready, they are ready. Nothing we, as women or men-loving-men, do will change this fact. This is why I am against women askig men to marry them. I honestly believe that a woman will be ready to get married long before the man she is involved with is ready. Therefor, when a man asks a woman to marry her, the chances are, he is as ready as he will ever be and by taking the steps to buy the ring, get up the nerves, and follow through with the asking, he is more than likely showing his readiness.

This is not to say that men make mistakes and really arent ready. Im just throwing it out there. So Im thinking the same trickles down for relationships, commitments, "friendships" and the like. Why should I seek something in someone they are not willing or ready to give. Even more important, something I am not sure I even want or am ready for?

Little known fact about Danja: I need an aggressive, dominant man. As big as my mouth is, as opinionated as I am, as strong as I am, as independent as I am, and as capable as I am of being able to sustain my life on my own, nothing suits me better than a put-your-foot-down, dominant, take charge, wear-the-pants kind of man!! Damn IM getting excited just thinking about it.

This is not to say I lose any of my strength or personality when involved with one. I just have certain views about the roles of men and women when it comes to relationships. I wont exactly get into those right now, but they have a lot to do with my current dating. I see a lot of people because not one has taken the stance to make me stop. Its really that simple.

They might suggest they would like to be the only one I am seeing, or they might hint at a possible future, but not a single one has stepped up to make that claim. See the man I want to be with would not tolerate this, oddly enough. The man I want to be with is the man who tells me he is NOT cool with me seeing other men and that he wants me for himself.

And I believe that when said man comes along, he will do just that. He wont be content to see me when he can, grab small patches of my time. He will demand that I stop seeing others because he wants me for his own. Since none of them do it, they must not be that one. *sigh*

At least I am having fun in the meantime *wink*

Danjaruz Haiku:
Make me your woman
Claim me, own me, make me yours
You need as I need


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Be the love that you seek.

You'll find what you're looking for when you find it inside you.

This is the hardest task. But the most worthwhile.

Until then, every man you meet will be your complete reflection. If you are not satisfied with your reflection you'll have to change the WO-man in the mirror.

1:56 AM, November 24, 2004  
Blogger MBT4679 said...

That is so true, thank you to whomever left that comment. It is something I know about myself, and everyone else... you give what u get. Unfortunately, for me, im both extremes. I either give nothing or I give everything. Who wants that?

12:25 PM, November 25, 2004  

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