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Thursday, December 09, 2004

Love my Job, but dang...

Daily Danjaruz Deliberation:
Ain't nuthin going on but the rent

Danjaruz Disclosures, Declarations, and Diatribes:
Why do I have to work for the struggling company?Ok Ok I chose to work in the non-profit sector helping people because that is what I love to do and it is somewhat of a calling. HOWEVER, my first job was with a major organization, as well as my second job. These were organizations that NEVER had a problem with money. My check was always deposited on-time into my account, we always had enough money to do things for the clients, we even had nice cakes and food for birthdays and such. No problem.

But now I work at a place that relies on funding from various sources and it is hard. They struggle to make ends meet, primarily because the work that they do is often criticized by the "big guys" in the non-profit field. It is unfortunate because the work they do is tremendous and necessary, but conservatives condemn the work and try hard to choke our funding streams. Every two weeks, we all wonder, "are we going to get paid this week?" Some things have to be shuffled around, and maybe some lower ranked people dont get paid full amounts or on time, or maybe, like today, we come to work to find our cell phones cut off, but they try their best to do what they can.

Part of me is like hey, yes, I understand. Im down for the cause and the cause requires sacrifices. But the other part of me is like, "you i gotz billlllllz!!!" Rent, Student loans, credit cards, cable, phones, electric bill, food, my cat's expenses... Sometimes I cannot afford for the check to come on Friday or the following Monday. *sigh*

Im dealing though, I mean i DO make decent money, so I cannot complain about what the salary is. I just wanna make sure I actually RECEIVE the damn salary.

Danjaruz Haiku:
This job is broke ass
Burnt out and down to the curb
We need money fast


Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are two kinds of broke jobs there is the"happy broke " and then there's BROKE ASS BROKE". Having had an equal share in both, I would contend that the reward you recieve for happy broke is far superior. Hey, some of us are sworn by the sage bush to help others, and I think you are doing just fine( though you may wanna holla at a couple of brothas about a cable "hook up" and the kitty may have to go from"meow mix" to a dinner-dub-RE-Mix( i.e leftovers) reaching out to others who desperately need your guidance. Your reward in heaven will be great!!

Mr.Looking Glass

4:11 PM, December 09, 2004  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't believe I misspelled

7:55 PM, December 09, 2004  

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