A Blog For Nina
Danjaruz Depiction:
Daily Danjaruz Deliberation:
Baby, you understand me now
Sometimes it seems that I'm mad
Don't you know no one alive can always be an angel
When everything goes wrong, you see some bad
But I'm just a soul
Whose intentions are good
Oh, Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood
Danjaruz Disclosures, Declarations, and Diatribes:
Two years ago today, April 21, 2003 the world lost a musical angel. The high priestess of soul departed from this land at the too-soon age of 70. She died in Paris, France, the place she came to call home after leaving the native country she'd come to loathe.
Ne me quitte pas

A few years before her passing, I was blessed to see her at one of her final performances in the U.S. She hadn't performed in the U.S. in several years. It was at the Tower Theatre in Philadelphia.
Miss Nina came onto the stage in all of the wonderful fanfare that was "her". She sat at her piano, placed her elaborate fan on the top, and began to caress the ivories with all of the grace of a true high priestess. Miss Nina, with her magnificent headdress, her saintly shuffling walk, escorted by a royal subject. After a few minutes of musical introduction, the audience was blessed with the sound of pure soul flowing from the depths of Miss Nina's small, aging body.
I thought to myself, "This is what life is all about"
Just trying to do your very best, stand up be counted with all the rest...

Miss Nina played a few songs like "Mississippi Goddamn" to a crowd that was 80% white. How beautiful it was to see her stop playing, turn to the audience and shout "You're all going to die, and die like flies!!!" I stood up and cheered the loudest, caucasoids staring at me with confusion. As she sang "You don't have to live next to me, just give me my equality", I sang along with her, fist in the air, stern look on my face, surveying the crowd, daring any of them to look back.
My name is Peaches!!!!

After each song, Miss Nina stood up, stood next to her bench and took a bow. And each time, I stood up and screamed something like "Thank you Nina" or "I love you Nina" or "They're gonna die Nina". She also sang "To Be Young, Gifted, and Black" "Ne Me Quitte Pas" "Four Women" "I Put A Spell On You" and a couple of cover songs. She sang less than 10 songs, got up, and walked off the stage. No encore, no more songs, nothing. People paid upwards of $100-150 and she bounced. This was, of course, a LONG performance by Miss Nina, who has been known to perform 3 songs, shout "That's It!!" and walk off the stage.
I put a spell on you...

Oh Miss Nina, how I respected yur gangsta! Make them cra...white people pay!! Pay to hear you call them everything but children of God, those fools who dared rejcet you, dared try to silence you. Those who now sing your praises as you sang wishes of their demise.
Beautiful, beautiful Nina. Thank you. Thank you again. Your music has changed my life and you left this earth too soon.
BBC reporting Nina Simone's Passing
Daily Danjaruz Deliberation:
Baby, you understand me now
Sometimes it seems that I'm mad
Don't you know no one alive can always be an angel
When everything goes wrong, you see some bad
But I'm just a soul
Whose intentions are good
Oh, Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood
Danjaruz Disclosures, Declarations, and Diatribes:
Two years ago today, April 21, 2003 the world lost a musical angel. The high priestess of soul departed from this land at the too-soon age of 70. She died in Paris, France, the place she came to call home after leaving the native country she'd come to loathe.

A few years before her passing, I was blessed to see her at one of her final performances in the U.S. She hadn't performed in the U.S. in several years. It was at the Tower Theatre in Philadelphia.
Miss Nina came onto the stage in all of the wonderful fanfare that was "her". She sat at her piano, placed her elaborate fan on the top, and began to caress the ivories with all of the grace of a true high priestess. Miss Nina, with her magnificent headdress, her saintly shuffling walk, escorted by a royal subject. After a few minutes of musical introduction, the audience was blessed with the sound of pure soul flowing from the depths of Miss Nina's small, aging body.
I thought to myself, "This is what life is all about"

Miss Nina played a few songs like "Mississippi Goddamn" to a crowd that was 80% white. How beautiful it was to see her stop playing, turn to the audience and shout "You're all going to die, and die like flies!!!" I stood up and cheered the loudest, caucasoids staring at me with confusion. As she sang "You don't have to live next to me, just give me my equality", I sang along with her, fist in the air, stern look on my face, surveying the crowd, daring any of them to look back.

After each song, Miss Nina stood up, stood next to her bench and took a bow. And each time, I stood up and screamed something like "Thank you Nina" or "I love you Nina" or "They're gonna die Nina". She also sang "To Be Young, Gifted, and Black" "Ne Me Quitte Pas" "Four Women" "I Put A Spell On You" and a couple of cover songs. She sang less than 10 songs, got up, and walked off the stage. No encore, no more songs, nothing. People paid upwards of $100-150 and she bounced. This was, of course, a LONG performance by Miss Nina, who has been known to perform 3 songs, shout "That's It!!" and walk off the stage.

Oh Miss Nina, how I respected yur gangsta! Make them cra...white people pay!! Pay to hear you call them everything but children of God, those fools who dared rejcet you, dared try to silence you. Those who now sing your praises as you sang wishes of their demise.
Beautiful, beautiful Nina. Thank you. Thank you again. Your music has changed my life and you left this earth too soon.
BBC reporting Nina Simone's Passing
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