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Friday, April 15, 2005

Can I Get A Witness?

"Was out with the Tall Wonder Friday night, yep I still love women, but they need to get off that shit! Not her or her clique (ofcourse) but the stereotypically catty bitches with the nasty looks and shit all night. how old are we??"

written April 11, 2005... 3 days after April 9, 2005, night of the JRG party

"Tall Wonder"= Danja

Author= That Harlem Slim Cat,a very good friend of mine who came out to this set for the first time, just to celebrate with his homegirl.

Danja: i know the tall wonder is me lol
Danja: but what that got to do with women being on shit ?
THSC: that eye cutting shit that was coming at you all night
Danja: oh
Danja: you saw that?
Danja: lol
THSC: yall can be sterotypically catty
THSC: nah, got some myself that were smiles before they noticed that I was "with" you
THSC: for 3 seconds it was funny
THSC: then it was outright pathetic
THSC: how old are we all???

see, I don't make this shit up people. It's not just in MY head. I'm not some conceited snot who imagines that people are staring at me or rolling eyes, bumping into me, trying to trip me, "accidently" spilling drinks on me. I grin and bear it cuz I'm a pacifist. Oh, and I've traveled to Riker's Island... I don't think I'll look that great in prison-issue coveralls. Nah, not a good look for the kid.

And people still ask... "Why arent you coming to the party?"


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