American Idol 9-to-go
So I'm a big AI fan. I decided that I am going to provide my personal insight on the competition from now until the end. If I miss a week, I was either getting my back banged out or someone knee deep in alcohol.
Scott Savol
"Dream The Impossible Dream"- Man of LaMancha
More like sing the impossible song. Scott sounded absolutely horrible. Ok, so he admitted that he doesn't know anything about musicals, and if you know about Scott, you believe with him. I love his voice and his passion, but he was bound to be caught up one of these weeks. He said his mama told him to sing this song.
Randy sez: It's aight, man, I mean it was pitchy in the beginning, dawg. Randy was being nice, telling him that he didn't really do anything special.
Paula sez: "Always listen to what your mother tells you". Paula must have had cotton in her ears.
Simon sez: It was extraordinarily ordinary.
Danja sez: Sorry Scott, while I love your voice, this wasn't your week. You are an R&B crooner, and show tunes week might be the week to show your ass the door.
Constantine Maroulis
"My Funny Valentine"-
OK he is reminding me more and more of a long-haired Harry Connick, Jr. He has been doing these ballads, steering a bit away from the rock music, and showing his versatility. I wouldnt be surprised if he wins because Randy let the cat out of the bag the other week saying, "We want to see a rocker win this competition". So it's him, Bo, or Nadia.
Randy sez: Yo man, alright so listen, keeping it most real for me. I didnt really buy the rocker thing, and I still do. You should be doing this dude, for real dude, yo dawg, for real.
Paula sez: "I admit I'm falling in love with you". Paula's wet panties have her stuttering and she can't make a coherent sentence.
Simon sez: Gives vocals a 7, and his pouting a 9.5
Danja sez: It was cool, but honestly, I prefer his rock sound.
Carrie Underwood
"Hello, Young Lovers"- The King & I
She wouldnt have a career in musical theatre because she has too much vibrato in her voice, too much "soul", too much feeling. Actors learn to keep some back because they are acting more than they are singing,and that is important. She did solid and finished quite strong, big note at the end. She is top 4 material. First heard the song 4 days ago.
Randy sez: Song was boring, he was falling asleep, but she sang it well and in tune, and brilliantly. Good job, good job.
Paula sez: "You look simply stunning, tonight". Says Carrie is a well-oiled machine with her vocals
Simon sez: Too old-fashioned. Reminds him of a 1960's detergeant commercial.
Danja sez: Song was boring, but the girl can REALLY sing. She has a strong voice and would make a GREAT country music star.
Vonzelle Solomon
"People"- Funny Girl
I think this is a wise song choice for her, because it will show her versatility. I'm a Vonzelle fan, I admit. I think she has been looked over because of the plethora of rocker folks, they are somewhat dismissive of the "R&B chic". I think each week she shows why she belongs on this show. She has such a crisp, clear voice. Anyone say a young Whitney?
Randy sez: I think a girl might actually win this year, that was brilliant
Paula sez: "You're unbelievable"
Simon sez: "It was good, it wasn't great, for some reason it left me cold" Simon is just being honest, as he says.
Danja sez: Thus far, the best performance this show. I am proud of her for doing so well every show and getting better every show. She sang that song.
Anthony _____________
"Climb Every Mountain"-Sound of Music
So he took off his glasses in a classic Clay Aiken move. Someone must have finally told him that he has to shed the nerd image. He is singing the right notes, he stays on pitch and in the right key, but it sounds like a 70s disco ballad.
Randy sez: Just keeping it real man, I did not like that. Sharp and flat all over the place
Paula sez: "It made it more of like a pop song and I enjoyed that". She of course, liked him. She likes everyone
Simon sez: "Hideous" "Everything about it was horrible"
Danja sez: I agree with Simon, he was a mess. Where was Sandman Simms?
Nikko Smith
"One Hand One Heart"-West Side Story
Who chooses a duet when singing alone? Obviously Nikko "Sisqo" Smith lol. Musicals aren't his thing either, for the same reasons as Carrie. He has too much soul in his voice, he is a singer, and gives too much to musical theatre songs. But for real though, Nikko is beginning to impress me, and he gets better every week.
Randy sez: You keep it contemporary, man. Was good, not great.
Paula sez: "You're the comeback kid" Paula's fav musical, one of her fav song. He is the true epitome of R&B.
Simon sez: Said Nikko was out of tune the first half of the song.
Danja sez: Simon wasnt completely wrong, but I liked how he blended with the background singer for the middle part and he finished strong. He represents for the male R&B crooners.
Anwar Robinson
"If Ever I would Leave You"-Camelot
Anwar, never disappointing, invoking Prince in wardrobe. Something about Anward makes my left titty itch, but I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt. Maybe cuz he appears to try too hard. I don't know. Much love to him though. Whoa did anyone hear that gurgling note?? LOL damn son.
Randy sez: "Welcome back baby" Thinks he is one of the best singers and best voices.
Paula sez: "You are technically the best singer on the stage"
Simon sez: "You seemed very comfortable" Ryan cut Simon off before he could say anything else.
Danja sez:
Bo Bice
"Corner of the Sky"-Pippin
He randomly picked this song, and Im glad he said that, cuz "Pippin"? I mean I love the show but that's an odd choice. The song fits him though. Sounding very Eddie Vedder-ish. *waiting to see Jeremy somewhere*
Randy sez: He is consistantly great.
Paula sez: "You are in this competition, you are a winner, I love you"
Simon sez: It was a mess and Bo had 2 bad weeks.
Danja sez: This totally isnt Bo's genre, he is a rocker for crying out loud. I love his voice, but Constantine has more charm and appeal and will win before Bo does.
Nadia Turner
"As Long As He Need Me"- Oliver
Nadia is my favorite,just so you all know, so if my views seemed biased, don't sue me. First, the hair is gorgeous, loving the natural style. She looks gorgeous in the white dress but out of place, because Nadia is so punk. But she is showing her flexibility. I love her husky voice, it is beautiful, and right now she sounds amazing. Go Nadia!! *they are rushing her comments, no fair*
Randy sez: she had a great performance
Paula sez: "You look absolutely beautiful"
Simon sez: it was the best he'd seen her in 3 weeks.
Danja sez: Go Nadia!!!! If she doesn't make the top 4, I will forever give up on American Idol.
Best performance: Tie between Nadia and Vonzelle. The sisters had it this week. They chose great songs and delivered flawlessly.
*going to vote for Nadia from 10:30-11 when the lines are free, ill get about 50 votes in*
bwahahahahha... will... you're funny.
benee -- i love the recap -- i love me some scott also... **sigh** i can do without constantine. i like bo better. nadia is my favorite also. she doesn't conform to what people thinks she should do. she's TOTALLY natural on stage. i love it.... and because she's comfortable with her own style... she will always look natural!!
BTW: happy happy burfday!!!
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