Spring Cleaning
Danjaruz Demeanor:

Daily Danjaruz Deliberation:
It's spring again...
Everybody know it's
Spring again....
Danjaruz Disclosures, Declarations, and Diatribes:
Now is the time for Spring Cleaning. I encourage all Bloggers to compile a similar list of all of the things that need to be cleaned in your homes/minds/hearts/lives.
1. My kitchen stove looks like someone vomitted on it. *Disclaimer: because I have planned this weekend for some time now, I have refrained from cleaning my house in any way*. I mean, I have ordered food because the thought of cooking on such disgustingness made me almost lose my appetite. ALMOST. I am fat, we dont scare that easily.
2. There are stains on my sheets that I am sure the CDC would love to examine.
3. There are things ground into my floors from being walked on repeatedly, rather than picked up by my fat "I'm not bending over for that" ass.
4. My cat has been holding himself for about 3 days now because he refuses to use his own litterbox.
5. I cleaned my closet the other weekend, so it is actually looking good. However, all of the articles of clothing that I discarded are not in heaps around my bedroom floor and it is like passing through the Gauntlet to get from bedroom door to bed.
6. Speaking of my bed, once again, I have not made it in about 2 weeks. This is the most discouraging thing because no matter what the rest of my room looks like, I always make a habit of making my bed. For me, it is the calm amidst the storm.
7. I need to toss my vibrator. I really do. Time for a replacement.
8. I am considering purging my body of sex, drugs, alcohol, and all other vices for a while. Considering as in occasionally thinking about it in passing when my mind isnt occupied. Which is never. But seriously, though. If I can get a new toy, I won't need sex...as much. And then I can work on not having sex...as much. And then I can begin to again see men as MEN and not either friends or sources of sex (or the RARE combination of both). Like maybe if I am no longer a slave to my sexual urges, I can see men for the people they really are. *
9. My windows are so foggy that I have to wonder if my cat stares out of them or spends his days writing messages to my neighbors like "HELP" "FEED ME" and "GET ME OUT OF HERE".
10. My dining room table, if it could be called a dining room or a table, is covered with bills. Literally cannot see the glass, all I see are white envelopes. I don't pay them, why do they send them? I mean you would think they would get it by now. I guess I should start paying my bills the right way. *
11. Daniel, I am SO about to get rid of you forever. You got one more week to make it happen. For REAL. I can do without the 6'7, 325 lb monkey on my back, no matter how fine and sexy and smart and hard-working and loveable you are.
12. Fuck it, I just need to get rid of all the men in my life. LOL. Purgeeeeeeeee. *
13. How about I take down my Christmas lights that I plugged in ONE time. Of course I got em from the 99 cents store, and they worked in the store but by the time I got home, like 5 lights on each chain lit up. Of course I realized this AFTER I put them up. 4 months later, the strings have become toys for my cat.
14. I need to get rid of all of this shit my ex left in my house, all of these gifts, clothes, just shit. I have been avoiding touching it, but now it is time to throw this shit out. It isnt that I have any attachment to any of it, I'm just too lazy to gather it all, spit on it, pour gasoline on it, and torch it.
15. How about there is some sticky black shit at the bottom of my refrigerator?!! I think it was a diet coke that spilled over, but I'm kinda scared to touch it. Looks a lil swampish. *exhale* Damn, I need to brush.
16. I need to brush my cat's hair, his teeth, and wash him. I'be had him for a year now and haven't washed him. He won't let me, I don't fight him. But he stinks too. So I think today he is going to have his first shower. And his teeth need some scrubbing too, especially since he stays up in my face. Tired of him bringing his shitty ass straight from the litter box to my bed.
17. How about I dont ever need to keep 302 MB of email. Really though. Need to start deleting again.
18. My shoe rack...*smh* Ok so it holds 24 pairs of shoes and I maxed that out, plus i have my handbags hanging on it. Then I have another shoe rack that is full. The rest of my shoes are chilling in various parts of my apartment. I remember the days when I have 5 pairs of shoes and I was all good with that. I miss being a tomboy. For REAL. This girly shit is messing me up. (Just bought 3 pairs of shoes the other day, too)
19. Where is my coffee table? Ohhh there is it buried underneath mounds of incense ash, magazines, paper cups, packets of soy and duck sauce, and remote/video game controls.
20. Yeah I got a shit load to clean this weekend lol.
* Yeah ok that bullshit sounds really good when you read it back but ummm yeah right! LOL

Daily Danjaruz Deliberation:
It's spring again...
Everybody know it's
Spring again....
Danjaruz Disclosures, Declarations, and Diatribes:
Now is the time for Spring Cleaning. I encourage all Bloggers to compile a similar list of all of the things that need to be cleaned in your homes/minds/hearts/lives.
1. My kitchen stove looks like someone vomitted on it. *Disclaimer: because I have planned this weekend for some time now, I have refrained from cleaning my house in any way*. I mean, I have ordered food because the thought of cooking on such disgustingness made me almost lose my appetite. ALMOST. I am fat, we dont scare that easily.
2. There are stains on my sheets that I am sure the CDC would love to examine.
3. There are things ground into my floors from being walked on repeatedly, rather than picked up by my fat "I'm not bending over for that" ass.
4. My cat has been holding himself for about 3 days now because he refuses to use his own litterbox.
5. I cleaned my closet the other weekend, so it is actually looking good. However, all of the articles of clothing that I discarded are not in heaps around my bedroom floor and it is like passing through the Gauntlet to get from bedroom door to bed.
6. Speaking of my bed, once again, I have not made it in about 2 weeks. This is the most discouraging thing because no matter what the rest of my room looks like, I always make a habit of making my bed. For me, it is the calm amidst the storm.
7. I need to toss my vibrator. I really do. Time for a replacement.
8. I am considering purging my body of sex, drugs, alcohol, and all other vices for a while. Considering as in occasionally thinking about it in passing when my mind isnt occupied. Which is never. But seriously, though. If I can get a new toy, I won't need sex...as much. And then I can work on not having sex...as much. And then I can begin to again see men as MEN and not either friends or sources of sex (or the RARE combination of both). Like maybe if I am no longer a slave to my sexual urges, I can see men for the people they really are. *
9. My windows are so foggy that I have to wonder if my cat stares out of them or spends his days writing messages to my neighbors like "HELP" "FEED ME" and "GET ME OUT OF HERE".
10. My dining room table, if it could be called a dining room or a table, is covered with bills. Literally cannot see the glass, all I see are white envelopes. I don't pay them, why do they send them? I mean you would think they would get it by now. I guess I should start paying my bills the right way. *
11. Daniel, I am SO about to get rid of you forever. You got one more week to make it happen. For REAL. I can do without the 6'7, 325 lb monkey on my back, no matter how fine and sexy and smart and hard-working and loveable you are.
12. Fuck it, I just need to get rid of all the men in my life. LOL. Purgeeeeeeeee. *
13. How about I take down my Christmas lights that I plugged in ONE time. Of course I got em from the 99 cents store, and they worked in the store but by the time I got home, like 5 lights on each chain lit up. Of course I realized this AFTER I put them up. 4 months later, the strings have become toys for my cat.
14. I need to get rid of all of this shit my ex left in my house, all of these gifts, clothes, just shit. I have been avoiding touching it, but now it is time to throw this shit out. It isnt that I have any attachment to any of it, I'm just too lazy to gather it all, spit on it, pour gasoline on it, and torch it.
15. How about there is some sticky black shit at the bottom of my refrigerator?!! I think it was a diet coke that spilled over, but I'm kinda scared to touch it. Looks a lil swampish. *exhale* Damn, I need to brush.
16. I need to brush my cat's hair, his teeth, and wash him. I'be had him for a year now and haven't washed him. He won't let me, I don't fight him. But he stinks too. So I think today he is going to have his first shower. And his teeth need some scrubbing too, especially since he stays up in my face. Tired of him bringing his shitty ass straight from the litter box to my bed.
17. How about I dont ever need to keep 302 MB of email. Really though. Need to start deleting again.
18. My shoe rack...*smh* Ok so it holds 24 pairs of shoes and I maxed that out, plus i have my handbags hanging on it. Then I have another shoe rack that is full. The rest of my shoes are chilling in various parts of my apartment. I remember the days when I have 5 pairs of shoes and I was all good with that. I miss being a tomboy. For REAL. This girly shit is messing me up. (Just bought 3 pairs of shoes the other day, too)
19. Where is my coffee table? Ohhh there is it buried underneath mounds of incense ash, magazines, paper cups, packets of soy and duck sauce, and remote/video game controls.
20. Yeah I got a shit load to clean this weekend lol.
* Yeah ok that bullshit sounds really good when you read it back but ummm yeah right! LOL
I am the exact same way! @ #6
You ready for our birthday?!! Although I know yours will be a HELL of a lot more exciting than mine.
Seems like Im not the only one dealing with this stuff?
I think I OD'd ont he pine sol though
my cat and I are kinda woozy and my nose is burning and he keeps meowing lol
But its finally clean, my house that is, I just need to work on the rest of my life! Thanks for the posts folks!
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