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Friday, April 15, 2005

Remembering Bobby Hutton

Danjaruz Depiction:

Daily Danjaruz Deliberation:
You darn right we respect non-violence
But to sit and watch ourselves be slaughtered
Like our brother
We must defend ourselves
Like Malcolm X said
By any means necessary
-Bobbly Seale, 1968

Danjaruz Disclosures, Declarations, and Diatribes:
Not many people know who Bobby Hutton is. Even those who have heard about him, usually don't care enough to remember what happened to him.

Well, I have not forgotten.

On April 6 1968, 17-year-old Bobby Hutton was gunned down by Oakland police. While riding in a car with other Black Panthers, including Eldridge Cleaver and David Hilliard, the police ambushed the cars they rode in. The men ran into an abandoned building that was fired upon for over an hour. They eventually threw in tear gas into the building where Cleaver and Hutton were. Cleaver was shot in the leg so Hutton said he would go first. He left the building, hands clearly in the air in the universal symbol of surrender. They pumped 12 shots into his young body.

His funeral was April 12, 1968 and over 2000 people attended.

Click here for testimonials regarding the shooting

Terry Cotton (BPP Member) Remembers the day

Another Account of the Day Bobby Died

Bobby Seale speaks at Bobby Hutton's Memorial

Danjaruz Haiku:
Died in the struggle
A martyr for our civil rights
Would YOU die for US?


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