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Thursday, May 12, 2005

Entirely Too Much Info Bout Danja

Danjaruz Disclosures, Declarations, and Diatribes:

ahhh the answers, a couple of days early because I have time to do this now. Questions weren't bad. Here I go

*** Check out Breezy and ask her some questions too!! ***

Mr. Holipsism asks:

#1. What are your thoughts on the subject of Dominance & Submission within the context of sexuality & intimacy and the way in which both African and European cultures view it?

I think dominance and submission are natural character traits. I think that within the context of sexuality, not enough people explore this side of their natural make up. I'm a sexual submissive. I know this about myself, and I am drawn to men who are naturally sexually dominant. I don't like when men "play a role"; it must be his natural inclination to dominate me. In intimate relationships, at least ones I think will last the longest, there must be one dominant person and one submissive person. In the case of two doms, one will have to cave in, and that isn't a natural way of being. There will be friction. People ought to get more in touch with their natural inclinations and desires, and flow with those. We would all be happier. I don't think about how Europeans view it cuz I could give a fuck what a cra...white person does intimately or in the bed. As for Africans, men need to be better doms and women ought to embrace their submission to strong dominant African men. He must be worthy of her submission, and unfortunately, not enough African men are worthy of complete submission by an African woman. If an African man shows himself to be the strong provider, nurturer, lover, and caregiver with the best interests of his partner and family at the forefront, the African woman should willingly and completely submit to his dominance.

#2. If you could go on vacation anywhere in the world where would it be and why that place?

I have two. Australia because it has always been a weird dream of mine to go there. I've always been fascinated with that place, and I would love to interact with some Aboriginal folk. Exchange stories, yanno? Ghana, because it is in West Africa and I want to visit the slave castles, the coasts, get my hair done for $14, and absorb everything there is to be absorbed.

#3. When was the last time you were strongly attracted to someone and what was the first thing that attracted you to them? They way they looked or something you saw? What they said? Or was it a feeling you got?

The last time I was strongly attracted to a man... Physically, he wasn't exactly my type, or at least the type I had been used to (6'5+, 300lbs+). He was slimmer than I usually date, but in a nice shape. He was taller than me, but not as much taller as I usually date. What attracted me to him was his passion for music (he is an elitist), the way he could say what was on his heart and mind (he wasnt afraid to be himself around me and share deep things with me), his love for his people (he understood my distaste for apathy), his ability to fit into any environment (he related to me on the college tip AND the hood tip), the fact that we had damn near everything in common, and his views on sex and sexuality (we're both perverts lol).

The Breezy Caramel Sundae asks:

1) If Love knocked at your door, how would you greet it?

Depends on if Love was asking me if I was prepared for Jehovah's return. LOL. Naw, seriously, I'd probably say "About time."

2) What do you believe is the greatest disservice integration has done to the black community?

Desegregation convinced Black people that white was right. I say desegregation because there was never any true integration. Black kids going to white schools, without white kids going to black schools isnt integration. Desegregation drove home the idea that cra...white people are better than we are and we ought to live up to what they determine are the keys of life. Their standards of beauty, intelligence, and success became our standard by which we would live our lives and raise our kids to live. That was the worst thing.

3) Where would you place the line of demarcation between a forgiving heart and a foolish one?

Forgiving hearts forgive, let things go, and move on, learning from the experience and gaining wisdom. They work at avoiding similar situations and applying what they have learned. Foolish hearts forgive, let things go, move on, but allow things to happen again and again and again, especially when involved with the SAME person. They have learned nothing.

Will, the Harlem Thrill, asks:

1. What is your greatest life accomplishment to date and why so?

I was just talking with Mr. Holipsism about this last night. I think it was writing and directing a play in college called, A Dream Deferred. I was able to incorporate various aspects of the history of Africans in America, our art, and a message about the importance of the hip-hop generation's voice in the representation of our culture and history. Sold out every night, got to work with people I truly respected, and it was a labor of love. I discovered my love for directing, which naturally went in line with me being the natural born leader that I am.

2. You MUST choose the ONE song that most effectively conveys your life story. Name the song and the reason you chose it, OK? *had to add the OK at the end in order to make it a*

God Will... ONE song? For a music slave? You are asking the impossible. But here goes:

"Everybody Hurts" by R.E.M.
When the day is long and the night, the night is yours alone,
When you're sure you've had enough of this life, well hang on
Don't let yourself go, 'cause everybody cries and everybody hurts sometimes

Sometimes everything is wrong. Now it's time to sing along
When your day is night alone, (hold on, hold on)
If you feel like letting go, (hold on)
When you think you've had too much of this life, well hang on

3. If you could plan the perfect day for yourself, with noooooo boundaries, what would be the day's itinerary?

12:00pm Wake up...slowly to a nice stiff penis in my face
12:15pm After 15 brief minutes of giving head, hopefully I'm sliding it in...
12:59pm Deep breaths... ask my man what he wants for Brunch
1:25pm Serve my man his brunch
2:00pm we take a shower together and probably have more sex
3:00pm we head to Starbucks for Soy caramel machiattos and low fat rasperry pound cakes
3:47pm we head to Barnes & Noble to sit on the floor and read love poems and erotic stories to each other
4:37pm We have sex in the B&N bathroom
5:00pm We catch a movie
7:30pm We go to Sahara's Turkish Cuisine on 29th and 2nd for a wonderful dinner of hummus, calamari, salmon, souvlaki, and baklava
8:30pm We try to catch a cab to Times Square
8:45pm Still trying to hail the cab
8:53pm We begin to debate walking, but our pride makes us determined to hail a cab
9:03we begin making out in the cab
9:15pm He tells me to "shhh" cuz he's been fingering me and I'm going crazy at how good I taste.
9:18pm We stop at the Nuts4Nuts stand and get roasted cashews,and feed them to each other.
9:25pm He leads me to Sephora and tells me to pick out whatever 5 items I want
9:30pm I stare at him in amazement from across the room, thinking about how much I love him.
9:59pm Bag in hand, I suggest we head home because I want to show how thankful I am for my gifts.
11:03pm Thank you...

Iselfra Asks:

1. if you were stuck on a deserted island, which three books would you take with you?

Go Tell It On The Mountain James Baldwin
Black Noise Tricia Rose
Bible God

2. if there was anyone famous who you would like to kick his or her ass, who would it be?

Ann Coulter

3. beer or wine?


Dayrell asks:

1. fave purse/hand bag? (and I want a picture!!!!! haha!) :)

Sorry babygirl, don't have one. lol

2. a foreign language you wouldn't mind learning one day?

Arabic, it is so beautiful and lyrical

3. most greatest childhood memory? :))

Riding shotgun with my dad singing duets that came on the radio with him.

Apple Head Risi asks:

#1 Along the lines of Voyeurism, is it more exciting to watch or be watched? i know u will explain!

Goodness this is hard. Im such the voyeur and such the exhibitionist. If I have to choose, I say watching. There is nothing like watching people get down and dirty. I would especially love it if I could direct. "Bitch, lift your legs up, I cannot get a clear line of sight to your pussy!!!"

#2 Can you remember the most inebriated u have ever been? if so please recount the experience, the good the bad and the ugly! "im sorry michelle!!"

Las Vegas in 2001 I believe. Drank almost an entire bottle of Southern Comfort. I blacked out. I remember bits and pieces, like the male cab driver with the major finger waves in his hair talking about "Dis Vegas Styleeee", me crawling out of the elevator, me being carried through the casino and people cheering my drunkeness, I heard I farted really loudly while crawling, knocking the phone off the hook and no one being able to get to me and folks thinking I was dead, telling people to shut the fuck up cuz they were talking too much lol. it was a mess, from what I hear, but to this day, I hardly remember much of the evening.

#3 when was the last time that you cried? what were the circumstances?

Last night. I was expressing to someone how much he'd hurt me and I was crying because I was thinking about how much I have enable people to treat me certain ways.

Darling Nikki asks:

1. What was the worst job you ever had?

Working at Kirspy Kreme. Ended up getting stalked by a customer. Gained 35 lbs too.

2. Do you have any fears or phobias?

I fear not living up to my fullest potential. I fear dying alone. I fear heights and closed spaces.

3. Which celebrity would you bone on the 50-yard line during halftime at the Superbowl?

LOL. Suge Knightttttttttttttttttttttttttt

Africa's Native Son asks:

1.Have You ever taken IT in the grill?lol

All of the time and I love it. One of my fave things.

2.whats the strongest attraction you've ever felt to someone and who was that person?
See my answer to Holipsism's question.

3.can you count all your sex partners on both hands..meaning <10 or >10.?

My hands, your hands, her hands, his hands, etc... get the picture?

Dymonds asks:

1.Why you get rid of your locks?

Making changes in my life, needed new energy, a new beginning. They were getting heavy too and I started having some neck pain. Plus, I wanted to run a comb thru my hair, it had been a while lol.

2.What is the title of your book?

Three Sisters.

3.How often to do you pamper yourself?

It used to be very rarely, but I'm getting better at it. I am learning how to pamper myself in tidbits everyday. Whether I splurge on a foot scrub, or I take special care with choosing my jewelry for the day. I am learning to treat my body better, take better care of my mind and spirit.

Chelle asks:

What one question do you think I would really want to ask you?
You can take three shots at what it would be.

Mannnn I don't know lol. I cant even answer this one, I'm sorry, Im drawing a blank.

Neena asks:

#1 What movie, if any, has affected your life? Why?

Radio Flyer. It was a story about young kids being abused by a step-parent. I could relate. That and Bastard Out Of Carolina.

#2 Do you believe in soul mates? Why?

Yes!! And I think that people can have more than one soul mate. Soul mate to me doesnt automatically mean a romantic partner. Could be a ghetto soul twin lol.

#3 What celebrity, dead or alive, would play you in a movie? Why?

Lisa Nicole Carson, cuz she is sexy and a halfway decent actress.

Chitown's Sexiest asks:

1. Where the hell did you get those questions you asked on my 3 pic meme?

Did I ask them in the pic meme or the questions meme? lol. They came from my head, of course.

2. Are you into S & M??

I'm into dominance and submission, but I am not a masochist. I enjoy aggression and extra physical contacts. I am a sub, by nature, so I do enjoy dominating actions like choking, hair pulling, ass slapping, commands, dirty names, collars, leashes, facials, and other "degrading" things.

3. Where do you see yourself in the next year?

Looking for a new job, hopefully preparing to go to graduate school. I'll be in NYC, living the life of a 27 year old sexy female in the city.

Soulful asks:

1. Would you please describe your BEST sexual experience? (See how I made sure that was a question?)

Had great, furious, ravaging sex with this dude whose dick was thick like a soda can, on the bleachers of a baseball field in Central Park, wih people jogging by and cops riding by. Amazing...

2. If you could take back ONE action that you've done in your life which one would it be and why?

Deciding not to go to graduate school right after college. I'm bored. My friends are in grad school, law school, med school, etc. I'm not doing anything that would advance me in my career, or stimulate my completely bored mind. I should have gone to Yale for my PhD in American Studies.

3. What three songs are sure to bring tears to your eyes?

"Send For Me" Atlantic Starr
"Behind The Wall" Tracy Chapman
"Troubles of the World" Mahalia Jackson

more questions...late additions

Icy asks:

1.What makes a woman really beautiful?

Her mind is the key to her appeal. The most beautiful thing about a woman is the way she thinks about herself and the world. Her outlook on life, her confidence in her intelligence and beauty, etc.

2. Name three things that you hate

1. white people with no understanding that they benefit from racism daily
2. black men who sleep with white women
3. waterbugs

3. Do you [feel]that sexuality and spirituality are connected? If so how?

Most definitely. Sexuality is an element of one's spiritual being. Without a spiritual connection, sexual experiences are lacking. You have sex, as a woman, and allow someone's body to enter yours. You are literally allowing someone to exist inside of you. You damn right there is a spiritual connection. If there isnt, I pity the person engaging in spirit-less sex.

Sabre asks:


Honestly, my mother. People who know me might find that shocking. But lately, I'm coming to understand her more, appreciate her struggle more, and value her presence and influence on my life. Plus, I cannot look into the mirror and not see her.


I think I am at the theoretical line. I believe in rights for black women in theory, but I understand that as Black women, many of us don't even believe in our rights, so we can't fight for them. I'm a feminist in theory. I do not support the "feminist movement" because it is racist, and white women are at the center of damn near every problem Black people have. lol. Women deserve equal pay for equal work. We deserve to not be treated as second class citizens in a society of men who don't take care of us. They say we aren't equal, but they don't take care of us. They leave us to fend for ourselves, AND make it twice as hard to survive. Hmph....


When I find someone worthy enough to splice genes with. LOL


Blogger Liza Valentino said...

Sexy ass answers. I'll have to look up those songs you said, because I only know "Troubles of the World"..

*pulls Danja close and whispers* thick like a soda can? Gawwdamn I say!

7:49 PM, May 13, 2005  

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