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Thursday, October 27, 2005

Bitches & Hoes, Hoes & Bitches, and Niggers too

What's in a name?

If I call someone a stank hoe bitch, what does that mean? I mean, really though...

Like if I called your woman a stank hoe bitch, would you be mad?  Ok, would you be mad if she was one of my best friends?

I realize that I use these and other eloquent epithets to describe people that I both care about and could care less about.  So what is the difference between the old, lonely bitch at the club and old, lonely bitch who I want in my wedding party?  Iono, man, that's why I'm asking y'all. LOL

See I talk a lot about the horrors of the dreaded "N" word. I've gotten to the point [dayum I'm getting old] when I feel that the world knows how I feel about it, and thus, if I use it occasionally, they hear me, but know that I am strongly against it.  Make sense?  Buy it?  Yeah, I didnt think so.

So ok, I recently had a post about "Niggerisms", and in said post, I detailed some things that I found to be quite "Niggerish" behavior.  By Niggerish, of course, I meant self-degrading, stupid beyond any conceivable means, idiotic, and such. 

**So this concept of a "Nigger", as coined by the Crackers of yesteryear, was a Black person. Not all crackers called black folks Niggers, but for those who did, it was generally acceptable. From what I gather, and I'm no Nigger Connoisseur by any means, but the original exploring crackers were in the Niger region, but mispronounced Niger, and thus labeled the people from the region as Nigers, or Niggers as they pronounced it.  It took on a negative connotation because of the derogatory ways it was said or the times at which it was used.  But Black folks called other black folks niggers out on the field.  Why? Because that's what they thought they were, especially since crackers were calling them that.  We forget that they had to learn this language, so they also learned the name that the crackers had for them, and embraced it as normal.

Slave 1: I sho' is tiyud today. Massah ain' playin' is he?

Slave 2: Shut up, ya lazy nigger, get back to work befo' we getz our asses beat

Now was he trying to be derogatory?  More than likely, no.  It is we uppity Negroes of modern times who shrug off the Nigger label as offensive [if crackers use it] because it reminds us of slavery.  And no one hates being reminded of slavery more than Black folks, I tell ya!  We think we are so above being called Niggers like them ole slaves, dont we?

So basically, we hate anything that crackers put on us, so when they call us Niggers, we get mad. When they called us colored, we accepted it but then decided that wasnt good either.  Then we were Negroes, or vice versa.  You get my point.  Any label they gave us, we shrugged off after a period of embracing it, because we decided it wasn't good enough for us.  In fact, we ain't been happy until we got a label that is more incorrect and ridiculous than any other, African-American. {See, now THAT is some Niggerish shit}.**

So what does it mean that I associate such behavior with such a term.  I mean, hey, according to crackers of old, we are Niggers, Black people from the Niger region, right?  Then why do we get so uptight about it?

Let me offer explanation one to the court


Ahem, excuse me ladies and gentlemen.

Yeah, I'm one of them, kinda.  I mean there are other niggers out there who call me uppity, say I think my shit don't stink, that I am too opinionated, that I flaunt my successes, etc.  They are right of course, but for argument's sake, let's say I'm not any of those things.  Lets say that I'm just a regular old NWAC [Nigger Without A Cause], and I need to exert some of this Black Rage that has been building up inside of me.  So what do I do with it?

I go to two prominent Cracker Schools and profess my hatred of the word NIGGER.  I begin my crusade to convince black people that they should NEVER call themselves Niggers because it is a degrading word and they are so beyond that. I will tell people that they shouldn't differentiate between Black people and Niggers [a la Chris Rock] because that is just as bad, if not worse.  I will tell people that there is no difference between nigGER and nigGAH, and eloquently explain how dialectal changes or phonetic differences in pronunciation do nothing to change the meaning to the word.  I would cringe when people actually try to explain the difference between the two, or say how it is cool for some people to use it, but not others.  I will begin to hate how women call their men "My Nigga" and men call their sons "Lil Niggas".  I will convince myself that I am right and the people who use this word are still mentally enslaved and need to be released from Nigger Bondage.

Well, Fuck that, Niggers! you are on your own. No more freedom fighting from the kid! Most of you niggers never appreciated it anyway.

Cuz I love calling my close friends Stank Hoe Bitches.  That is what they are and that is what I will call them.  I mean, when I think about the characteristics of what a Bitch really is, a female dog, I think about the love for doggy-style that most of them have, and their penchant for random acts of sex, and I'm like, hey I aint so far off. *snicker* You might not like it, and fuck you too.  Because I feel it is my right to call these trampy whores, applehead dykes, waterhead yella heffas, tree-hugging carpet muchers, or  whatever I want, I realize it is every black person's right to degrade themselves and their loved ones by calling them "Niggers".  Who am I to infringe on that right?  In fact, I will even join in on it. 

Paul Mooney was right.  Saying "Nigger" 100 times a day keeps your teeth white.




Y'all love it SO much, why not stomp your foot and light a match for self-hate?




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