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Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Doobie Doobie Doo

Ok, so yesterday was Monday morning and I got to work extremely early because hubby had another trip.  This time to Seattle to mess with the Seahawks, so I dropped him off with a co-worker at 7:30 and ended up at work by 8:15-ish.  Got some breakfast and bumped into a co-worker who wanted to tell me that he appreciates my honesty and integrity, and my ability to eloquently convey my thoughts, which are often shared by others too afraid to speak their minds [ahhh, such is my plight].  That was unexpected, but welcomed. [This was in reference to a recent staff meeting where I basically voiced the issues of sexual harassment and lack of professionalism in the office where I work, among other things]  It woke me up, to say the least.

Now to speak briefly on the Millions More Movement [Now y'all know I had to say something lol].  **Applause to Launchcast for streaming "Mississippi Goddamn" by Nina Simone just as I cracked my knucles to hammer this portion out** Well, I watched it from home.  That says a lot doesn't it?  As someone said, Shit...gas is HIGH! LMAO Oh that was SO wrong.  Anyway, I watched it from almost beginning to end, taking breaks for exercise, food, other things *QQ*, etc. 

Farakkhan was 2 hours late!! NEGRAS!!!! People hogging the mic like this was a rap concert. They knew damn well they only got a certain amount of time to speak, but they wanna shine on for a few mo' minutes.  Speaking of rap...*deep breath*  Can someone please tell me what was up with the mumble-mouthed coon from...fuck it, I can't even claim his ignorant ass.  Courtest of E.vil Star, I knew that Jim J.ones would be at the March, however, many of us believed he was going to speak, and that in itself was reason enough to stay tuned in to C-SPAN.  Did this monkey actually go onstage to perform that piece of shit "song" "Sum.mer In Miami"???  Dude it is Autumn in D.C. you ignorant moron!!  And to top it off, they were playing the "dirty" version of the song, which was subsequently cut off and Jim  J.ones was forced to apologize for them playing the dirty version.  But oh, get this negroes of the world, this was AFTER Corn.el got on stage and spoke about how we need to get away from the "bling bling" mentality and we need to become more progressive as a people.  [Insert deadpan expression here]

I could go on the ultimate rant about that but I won't.  Draw your own conclusions.  Naw man, fuck it... WHOSE BRIGHT IDEA WAS IT TO HAVE JIM JONES OF THE DIP SET, A KNOWN DRUG DEALER AND PEDDLER OF SMUT VIA MUSIC, COME AND BE ANYWHERE NEAR THE STAGE????  I need to know this.  Was Ch,uck D busy?  Was M,os Def filming a Denali commercial?  Was Tali.b Kweli busy begging for credit somewhere?  Was K.RS-One chilling in a mansion somewhere and unable to attend?  Was R.akim Allah himself too disinterested to represent the Hip-Hop nation? End Rant.

Susan Taylor, of Ess.ence Magazine said a lot of things that I agree with.  Er.ykah Badu was high.  I don't care what you say, she is no longer smoking regular incense-laced weed, she is smoking that oeky-doke oooooooooh weezie wee!!!  What in jumping jehosephat was she speaking about?  The best part was when she said, "Naw, I'm not gonna sing... I'm not gonna sing... What's wrong with yall???"  And two minutes later, she proceeded to sing.  I see she is back to the headwraps.  *rolling eyes*  Cocaine is a helluva drug.

Farakkahn asked too much.  Idealistically, what he talked about would be great. Side Note:  I agree with Star who said, "Nobody's trying to kill you Nigga!!!"  in response to the fact that he had the bullet-proof shielding up.  King, was a martyr.  You killed Malcolm, after the plots to degrade his name and image.  NIGGA [yeah I said it], No one is even thinking about you on that level!!!  Farakkahn poses no threat to white people or their money, so they ain't thinking about killing his ass.  Black folks damn sure ain't listening to him, so why the bullet-proof glass?  Scared the spirit of El Hajj Malik Al Shabazz is going to permeate someone and seek revenge on you??!!  Anyway, the idea of a Black economy, Black controlled farming, uniting with Natives to lease their land and use it for production of our own goods, building factories in Africa to manufacture our clothing and other things [thus providing jobs and keeping black dollars among black people], establishing a seperate political party that would force white government to acknowledge us, etc were all great ideas, except for one thing...

Shit won't happen.


Cuz NIGGAS love CRACKAS too much to let go of the milky white titty from which they suckle.  We can't even drive an extra 5 minutes to buy food from a black-owned market or go an extra 5 train stops to buy our hair care products from someone non-Asian [Korean].  How the hell does Farakkahn expect coloreds to support Black Farmers, when the majority of non-Farming Blacks live in cities and are removed from farm life, thus having no real connection to or understanding of the problems Black farmers face.  Don't tell people to do something without educating them about what you are calling them to do.  Sure, we need a seperate political party.  But, dammit, how many millions of Black folks are convicted felons?  How many aren't registered to vote?  How many are registered to vote and don't?  How we gonna get coloreds to vote for other coloreds, when they don't even vote for white people... and they LOVEEEEE crackas?  Mannnn...

Anyone else notice how C-Span was really big on showing footage of people sleeping?  Of all of the hundreds of thousands of people there, they decided to keep showing clips of people sleeping.  Fuckas.

End Rant about the March.

You ever do $40 worth of laundry at once?  We did, this weekend. Who knew men had so many clothes? QQ

Ladies, how sexy is a man who not only cooks, but cooks well?  Food and Sex are parallel for me, in terms of physical pleasures.  I find that I get horny as my food digests.  This is the honest truth lol.  I eat, sit back, and all of a suddenly, I get dumb horny. [LMAO]  I take pleasure in eating great food, hence why I am the fat bastard that I am.  But a man who can cook a mean steak, can get some mean cooter. QQ [Iffn that Negro condition does not take over and I end up in la-la land]

Can y'all tell I'm in love? *giggle*

The best way to know I'm in love is to look at how long the mufugga been in my life and I haven't expressed boredom or seemed distracted lol.  Normally, by this point, I would have hopped in someone else's bed or let someone else take me out or start my complaints about little annoying things about a man.  I get so easily distracted, especially when it comes to men, because until now, I always felt there was someone better for me out there somewhere.  The men I've been involved with until now all lacked that "something" that stopped me from hoping for more.  Either he was lacking a level of comparable intelligence, lacking a certain sexual compatibility, lacking an ability to commit, or lacking whatever makes me not look at a man like he is a complete fucking waste of time.  But this one... yeah, I think I'mma keep him.

And I'm spent!!! [But I'm back Image]



Blogger Da Original 1 said...

LOL!!! On Badu!!!

I hope it's not cocaine. That would break my heart.

Good to see things goin' well for ya sista...

Just droppin in to say HELLO!!!

9:03 PM, October 21, 2005  

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