I Shit You Not
This was my horoscope for today:
"Daily extended (by Astrology.com)
It's not that you live for conflict, competition and aggression -- not at all. It's just that you happen to be, well, an adrenaline junkie. You live for it, love it and do whatever it takes to raise your blood pressure. Don't even bother denying it. You know it, and anyone who knows and loves you knows it, too. In fact (and don't ever, ever admit to them that you know) it's a big part of the reason they love you: because you're never, ever boring -- not by any stretch of the imagination."
This is what I wrote the other day, about myself:
"Anyway. I'm a problem, most of the time, and in my ever-maturing infinite wisdom [did that make sense?...*thinking* NOPE], I am learning that I provoke people on purpose. Prepare for moment of self-actualization here. I push buttons intentionally to get a rise out of people, or as I see it, to get the most out of them. I like when people begin to feel passionate emotions, be it anger, frustration, extreme happiness, determination, or any other emotion that evokes passion. I love to see this, I love to watch this. Don't ask why, but I thrive on it. The problem comes when people don't know that I am not always doing this to be negative, but simply to fill some twisted void in my world. lol. *Yeah sometimes I love pissing people off*. I love to feel my own blood pumping, my pressure rising, my eyebrows furrowing, and lips sneering, and every other physical manifestion of the ever-present "YOU DUMB FUCK!!!!" sensation, and I push buttons to challenge others to get to that phase. Can't help it."
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I saw this on my co-worker Andre's blog. I want to comment on these things and how they relate to Black folks today, as I see it. My comments in BOLD.
Black Power/Buy Nothing 'til Jan 2006
"Our Power is One Power."
Nov. 1, 2005 - Jan. 1, 2006
They left us without for 5 days? Let's leave them without for 2 months. They portray us as looters? Let's refrain from purchasing their goods. Unfortunately, as much as people resent being left stranded without food and water for several days, they are VERY happy to be able to drink and eat NOW. Telling people who have experience near-starvation to NOT buy products and goods, is a bit much.
Afromerica, readers, affiliates and millions of Black American's will conduct a show of Black Power beginning the month of November throughout to January 1, 2006. We are going to redirect our dollars away from mainstream retail holiday businesses - which are currently planning the future of our dollars for us for the paganist holiday season. While I agree that the holiday season has gone commercially out of control, and I have my own issues with the general population's obsession with holiday shopping, I know that NEGROES are not going to refrain from buying each other things. Why? Because Kwanzaa, a holiday that emphasizes exchanging hand-made gifts, is still generally unaccepted by Black Folks in this country. If they can't even support a holiday created FOR US, that includes exchanging hand-made, unbought gifts, how are they going to draw themselves from their need to BUY gifts for Christmas?
We are not asking that you refrain from purchasing goods and services for one (1) day, which they can't black folks to do in general we are asking you refrain for two (2) months, from Nov 1 - Jan 1. The results of this effort will prove more than a one (1) day boycott, this isnt 1955 and unfortunately, Black folks dont see the need for boycotts and protests; they think everything is all good but will show nearly a quarters worth of income adjustment or loss for many businesses as a result of losing Black-spending power.very good idea, won't work though.
We are contacting many major Black businesses, media, movements and websites to ask for support and national promotion. This is the time to TURN OFF THE LIGHTS.
The following business types and services will become part of THE NO SPEND ZONE:
1. All companies tied into slave labor, prison labor, and exploitation of minority peoples, such as NIKE, HILFIGER, DELL, others: (if anyone has a list of companies, please submit them to us via email.) Black people not buying NIKE??? Are these fools crazy?? They might as well ask black folks to stop eating Chicken Wings. We don't seem to care that most diamonds are conflict diamonds, obtained in some of the most horrendous conditions that involve OUR OWN people, and we wear them anyway like a badge of honor. How do we expect Black folks to stop buying products made in Asian sweatshops? We care less about exploited Asians than we do about exploited Africans. Come on NOW!!
2. No Electronics (TVs, cell-phones, stereos, all foreign exploitation) No cellphone purchases? Does this mean no pre-paid service either? Cuz you know coloreds and their bad credit rely on prepaid cell phones. No TVs? No DVD players? NO video game consoles? They arent leaving very many Christmas gift options for their bad ass kids are they???
3. No Automobiles or SUVs (keep your car serviced until 2006) Keeping a nigger from buying a car is like keeping a starving Ethiopian from a Ritz Cracker. Maybe they can hold off until January, unless, of course, they have the all-important task of flossin' at the annual Holiday gathering with a new ride. Gotta show up RayRay somehow!
4. No Designer Clothes (other than Black owned) Now they done went hysterically insane. They want BLack people...in America... to NOT buy designer clothing that isnt black owned??? There are so FEW Black-owned designer making affordable clothing, or even reasonably priced clothing in the first place. One of the biggest gifts to get someone, especially young folks, is clothing. Young people crave designer clothing because of material whores like Jay-Z and Lil Kim, so how do we expect to convince parents to not buy these articles of clothing? They did nothing to rear their kids into rejecting materialism, so it would be a bit late to try and make up for it now. And then, they would only piss off their children and further alienate them. BLACK PEOPLE NOT BUYING DESIGNER CLTOTHING??? Man, we go to work everyday JUST to buy designer clothing. We spend twice our income on apparel alone...yes, black folks spend that much fucking money on expensive designer clothing. You think theya re going to listen to some preaching fool talking about "don't buy it"...Right....
5. No Beauty Cosmetics (you are already beautiful) The problem with this is that the reasoning behind it is inconsistant with the premise of the protest. It isnt about what looks good or what have you, it about keeping black dollars out of mainstream markets. There are make-up lines that are black-owned/operated and/or specifically for black women. Should we not support them either? And why is it for these 2 months that we shouldnt buy the products? Shouldnt this be a year-round cause?
6. No Liquor, beer, wine (We know this will be hard for most and it takes discipline, but at least cut down) How are you going to compromise on this? cut down?? This alone ruins this whole things for me. If you are going to tell people to NOT do something, be consistant about it. DOn't say, well you can drink, just don't drink so much. Boycotting isnt about just getting a lil, it is about NOT DOING IT AT ALL. THe Montgomery bus boycott didn't say, only take the bus once a week, it said don't ride the bus AT ALL. And they chose to compromise on Liquor?? How fucking hypocritical is that??
7. No New Appliances (unless yours quit) Now it is about getting stuff if other stuff d0esnt work? No, again, boycotting is about sacrifice for the greater good, teaching a lesson, making a point... how do you make a point if you continue to patronize these businesses. This should not have a parenthetical "unless yours quit" attached.
8. No restaurant meals (still remember how to cook? Save money) And this includes Black Owned/operated restaurants too? They didnt differentiate. Iagree that people need to cook at home more, it is healthier and more financially responsible, but to blanket all restaurants isnt good. There are a lot of Black business owners who would suffer immensely from this.
9. No Furniture (that should be easy) See my about comments about black owned/operated businesses.
10. No Vacations (except to go see family members) Guess I need to cancel that trip to Ghana.... what do vacations have to do with anything? Do they mean don't support exploitative resorts and hotels? Do they mean "Don't go to a resort hotel in Montego Bay when down the street their are riots and turmoil ripping through the streets of Jamaican Cities"??
11. No Movies, CDs (except of Black origin)... The same companies that manufacture mainstream movies and music manufacture Black movies and music. In fact, White people consume our entertainment more than we do. We Bootleg shit too much. Are they suggesting with take money out of the bootlegger's family's mouths? They are saying it is ok to give our money to 50 cent and other entertainers who set Black folks back 50-100 years, but it isnt good to buy a CD of Christmas Carols?
12. No Toys (please do not spoil your children) See my above comment about reasoning. This isnt about spoiling children...when did buying your kids toys become spoiling them?? They should say don't buy Toys from such and such company because this company exploits Africans or uses Asian sweatshops... not "dont buy toys cuz they spoil ya kids"... That's gay.
13. No House wares (unless something falls apart) See answer about appliances
14. No Gifts (show love by your words and actions) I agree with showing love in actions and words, but they shouldnt say NO gifts, they should focus in on the type of gift. Nothing wrong with Handmade gifts, or gifts of money to people you know and care about.
15. No Entertainment or Sporting Events (plays, movies, basketball (unless you got season tickets) You are telling coloreds to not go to concerts and not go to basketball games?? Telling black men not to order NBA ticket?? Telling black folks to NOT go to the movies, when going to the movies is one of the few things that some families can afford and find time to do together?? I understand telling folks to support Black movies, but they don't even allow for that. This is bananas...
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