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Thursday, November 03, 2005

I Love White People Who Love Being White

Danjaruz Disclosures, Declarations, and Diatribes:

Now I often go on and on about crackers, cave dwellers, honkeys, and the like, but I'm going to admit something that, if it were not in writing, I would never admit to it again.

I appreciate white people who know how to be white.

The above picture, is a picture of Paul Wall, Houston rapper known for talking a lot about his "grill".  I got the pic from some dude's blog from Houston [] who apparently knows this dude.  I didn't read the blog because I could care less, I was just looking for pics of this Paul Wall and his Nubian wife [the two people on the right].

So my man was like, well this is what he grew up around, this is what he knows.  All he knows is black people and black culture. And yeah, I get that, but, he is still white... dammit!  I mean, am I mad that he fell into the trance of a busty black woman? No, he cannot help it.  Black women are the way, truth, and light for all lost white men.  There just aren't many who marry us. [According to the last census, only about 2% of all interracial marriages are black women and white men]  So, it seems that either a white man is extremely well-to-do and marries an equally well-to-do black woman [Robert Deniero/Grace Hightower], a celebrity white man gets his rocks off by a sultry black woman [Bill Maher(sp?)/Karrine Steffans], or white trash/white hip-hopper marries local Loquita [Paul Wall/Mrs. Wall]. 

The same thing often happens with black folks who grow up only around white people.  They end up dating only white people, they take on so-called "white" characteristics, etc.  [Disclaimer: I am no way trying to give in to the whole acting black/acting white discourse... just flow with me on this ok?] Then as they get older, they find that Mommy and Daddy Cracker ain't so supportive of their children marrying the local colored, and said colored is in for a rude awakening.... ORRRR they face that rude awakening when they go to a diverse college or university and encounter people like ME. Image

I was reading the Daily News today and I read how Kevin "Baby Daddy To The Fading Stars" Federline just released a rap song on the web.  They even put up some lyrics, which I won't even waste my time retyping.  This dude is bonkers.  His trashy ass goes and has 2 kids by Shar Jackson, fading former co-star of fading star Brandy's show Moesha.  Did they get married? Nope, he just knocked her up.  Of course she already had 1 [or 2, I forget] babies by someone else, so I guess he believed she was down for the baby-making sans marriage-committing.  Then he realizes that her "star" was fading fast and he leeches himself onto Britney Spears, giving her the perfect means of rebelling against everyone who called her "perfect".  She went and got her a white trash bum with babies by a Black woman, and married him, then bore him a spawn, which according to reports, she hates.

Now this wigger wants to be a rapper.  Dude.  Stop.  Now.

You know why I respect Eminem1. He is an amazing lyricist and battle rapper. 2. He grew up around folks who exposed him to hip hop and he reveres it. 3. [and most important] HE MARRIED A WHITE TRASH WOMAN!!  He didnt have anything to prove by going out there and marrying a Black woman, having a mixed baby.  No, he stuck with his white trash roots, married a white trash woman with horrible roots, and had him a white trash [ white trash] baby.  Yeah, he made a song about a Black Bitch after she broke up with him.  Black folks got all bent out of shape about that [but have no problem with every Black rapper that does the same thing], but fuck it, he is perfectly happy being white.  He incorporates his Whiteness into his raps, not apologetically, but naturally, because he has no confusion at all about being a white man in America.

Vanilla Ice was probably the most horrific example of White Boy wanting to be Black Gone Wrong.  He was an abomination that made it almost impossible for someone like Eminem to even come forward and do what he does.  Eminem suffered comparisons because of his skin color, but eventually, his skills overrode any possible connection to the Iceman.  Now we have this southern Paul Wall who, in my opinion, is the best rapper in his Swisha House clique.  But he is still a white boy trying to live Black.  All his comrades are Black, his wife is Black, he does Black music.  Hey, who am I to say anything.

My man has a friend/co-worker that we will call Daniel.  Daniel is white.  Really white.  Like cornbread white.  But Daniel knows this and embraces his whiteness which is why he is cool and gets along with my man, and yes, I admit it, even me.  Daniel is also a spoken word performer/poet who performs pieces around the city.  He speaks about racism from a white man's point of view, but doesnt apologize for being white.  He just talks about reality as he sees it.  He is still unmistakeably white, and you know what, THAT is why I dig him.  He doesnt try to come with the colloquialisms, or dress the dress, so to speak.  He is just a cornbread eating middle-American.

I also read about a high school with close to 2,000 students and like 5 of them are black, about 30 are latino and maybe the same about of Asians.  They had a "Thug Day" when they would come dressed up as Black Gangstas, complete with Afros, gold chains and teeth, sagging pants, etc.  This went on for 3 years before it was halted.  Why it took 3 years to stop, I don't know, but I would guess it is because the teachers found it just as amusing as the students involved in perpetuating it.  Without a strong enough Black Voice, this type of thing could continue on without opposition.

This is a shout out to all of the crackers who are unafraid of being White.  Walk with pride, because you have the greatest advantage in any playing field; you have white skin.  At the end of the day, Eminem, Paul Wall, Kevin Federline, and others can remove the hip hop skin they want to live in and be your average Joe Cracker.  They benefit from being white, whether it is because their whiteness makes them a novelty or because they are just white men who normally benefit from white privilege. 

It is hard to see people reject who they are, and in many ways, I have suppressed many parts of my personality out of fear of how I would be accepted or viewed.  This isn't cool.  It isn't cool to try and be something you are not, for whatever reason.  If we could all just be who we are, maybe the world would be more diverse, more "real", and just...well... better?


Blogger "Pretty" Todd E. Berry said...

First of all greetings Danja. Thanks for plugging my blog. The reason I am posting is to let you know that you have based a lot of thoughts on the color of one's skin. Try to look into the spirit of the person rather than the physical. I enjoyed reading your blog.

10:06 PM, November 28, 2005  

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