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Thursday, July 14, 2005


Danjaruz Demeanor:

Daily Danjaruz Deliberation:
I believe Danja is the future...

Danjaruz Disclosures, Declarations, and Diatribes:
Carol had a good idea. She made a list of things she wanted to accomplish by 2010. I'm doing the same thing.

*Be married to my man YUP. I said it. I want to marry this man.

*Have at least 1 child I want to have my first child by the time I am 30 and I will be turning 30 in 2009. God, I'm getting OLD. That is only 4 years from now. Good Lord!! Anyway, I digress. I am filling my role as step-mother and LOVING it!! It is enough to hold me off until we get married and have had some time to be a "couple".

*Publish my first written work This is not counting any articles I have written for newspapers or journals. I mean my first published book, either a fictional tale or a collection of poetry or essays. This needs to happen soon.

*Own a car We are working on getting a car in the spring, but by 2010, I want us to each have our own vehicles and I want mine, at least, to be a brand new vehicle. I have a love of Mazda 3 and 6 series cars, as well as Cadillacs [namely the Escalade]. I want one of those.

*Increased my credit score by 100 pts. My credit isn't that great. I know this. It was shot to hell owing the University of Pennsylvania $17K. Well, I paid that off in one lump sum, and have since acquired other bills. Stopped working for a bit and became repeatedly late with paying bills. Student loans almost went into default. YEAH, my credit aint that damn great. BUT, I know that my disposable debt is only about $5800. [$50K in Student Loans dont count as I will owe those until I am dead and gone] I need to eliminate that and begin again. I should be able to do that in the next year. After that, it is all about on-time payments, paying in cash, and staying at ONE job and living in ONE home. by 2010, my credit score should be a lot more solid.

*I'll have waist length locs again Took me 5 years the first time, to get to that length, so if I start next month, I should be at that length by then. Let's just hope I am as successful in growing them this time as I was last time.

*Lost 100 lbs I want to look back at this in 2010 and say that I set this goal and achieved it. I want to lose another 100 lbs, naturally. NO surgery or diet pills or crazy binge dieting. I want to do it by eating right and exercising.

*Dazzled people at my 10 year high school reunion I graduated from The Lawrenceville School in 1997, and we had a 5 year reunion in 2002 [I was still really fat and stressed in college while most had graduated already]. I said for the 10 year, I would have dropped significant poundage [or be embarazada], have something significant to say about my life [I got married, obtained a master's degree, did some fabulous world traveling, and/or published a book], and just live up to the expectations of graduates of that school.

*See my mother move out of the hood She has had a number of opportunities to do so, yet she still remains there. I guess she has a master plan, but my hope is that she has finally purchased her home and has moved. She needs a nice place to store all of the nice clothes and toys she is going to buy her grandchildren.

*Helped my man achieve notoriety as the talented performer he is One of the things I love about my partner is that he is a talented artist. He is skilled as an MC and actor, though he pursues the fame of the former moreso than the latter. I would love to see him gain widespread acknowledgement and accolades for his talents. He deserves it, and I want to do anything I can to help him get there.


Blogger ExtraFlavory said...

See, this is what I am talking about, it was sweet all the way through. I digs that, now when YOU start with the vitriol, you have to maintain that. YOUR blog is no place for you to be multi-faceted!!

9:52 PM, July 14, 2005  

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