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Monday, June 27, 2005

The Goings On

Daily Danjaruz Deliberation:
I can see clearly now the rain is gone
No more obstacles in my way

Danjaruz Disclosures, Declarations, and Diatribes:

A few updates in the world of Danja:

1. I've finally found a purpose for my website other than this blog. LOL. I'm paying for it, might as well make use of it. So, what I am going to do is use my website to sell my short stories. I figure I can charge $2 or $3 via paypal and people can download my mini E-books of my short stories. Which brings me to...

2. My writer's block has been lifted. Some of you know that I started this blog primarily because I had severe writer's block and I needed a space to exercise my mind and my writing, in hopes that something substantial would come about. Well, it has and right now, I am working on the first story in a series of short stories. The stories are about different women in different walks of life, and each story takes place anywhere from an hour to a month out of their lives. Just a glimpse at the life of these types of women. So when they are done and copywritten, I will have them available for download online. I hope you all will check them out.

3. I just did the fashion show I told you all about a few weeks ago. It was amazing!! It was a lot of fun, and it was a great experience. I got to wear some wonderful pieces. The only thing is that I realized that this is not for me. There was so much weave, so many fake eye lashes (they were a requirement), so much make up piled on, so many body shapers, girdles, etc, all of these things that someone countered what I felt the point of the show was: to show that all women are beautiful. Yet, here we were, creating these illusions of women that we weren't. Initially, they wanted me to wear an afro weave or wig, and I could not agree to that. That goes against everything I believe in, man. That's like having loc extensions. YUCK!!!! So anyway, I jsut made sure my mom blow dried my hair as far as it would go and I had the hairstylist bobby pin a flower in. Unfortunately, my mother got pictures of everyone else BUT me. The only picture she took of me was at the end after Id changed into my regular clothes. She got a video of me but the perspective was terrible and it didn't come out well. Oh well. I just don't know if I can do this all over again. People used to ask me about modeling and I said it wasn't me. It is really for women and men who are into that stuff. There are some things I will do because I believe in what I am doing. Anytime I get into a situation where I just don't feel that it represents who MICHELLE is, I pass. I wish them all the success though because they are doing big things for full-figured women and it is cool to bring attention to the beauty of big women. The modeling thing just isn't for me.

Oh and in the shuffle of yesterday's chaos, my iPod turned up missing which I am TOO through about. I know exactly where I put it; in the zipped portion of my suitcase. This morning reached in to get it and charge it up...GONE. Not there. Now Im not one to accuse anyone of stealing, so Im considering all possible options and possibilities. Could be in my mom's car, maybe it slipped out. Maybe someone found it and is holding it. I sent out an email to all the folks involved and now I am hoping that someone contacts me and has it.

4. I suffered some type of hand injury last week and I couldn't really do much for a few days without serious pain. Went to the hospital, sat there for 6 hours for them to tell me that they didn't know what was wrong with it. Said it could be strained ligaments, carpal tunnel syndrome, or arthritis. *blank stare* For the first time in a very long time, I took some pain medications because the pain got so bad I couldn't sleep and I just sat there crying. Couldnt grip, twist, snap, write, type, nothing. Ended up doping myself up on some type of liquid pain meds and the swelling and inflammation went down and my hand began to feel 1000x better, thank God. Ended up on a short medical leave and now I'm back at work.

5. Muthafuckas are crazy. That's all I can say. I'm so glad my eyes have opened and I have allowed myself to be enlightened by Truth. Folks don't even deserve the shine for me to go on about it, so I'mma just keep it short and simple.

6. My first cat, Symone, passed away last night. She got really skinny over the past few weeks, as she began to eat less and less. I went over there Saturday night and saw her looking skeletal and such. It made me so sad, I told my mom we have to put her down. She could barely walk a few steps without stopping to lay down. She came over to me and laid by my feet most of the night. After the show, my mom came home, and she collapsed. They took her to the hospital, doctors rushed her in. Her heart stopped. It was as though she waited for me to come home one last time to say goodbye, cuz she spent a lot of time next to me. My mom is really distraught. I got Symone when I was 11, she been in the fam for 15 years. Now Symone Tyffany is in Kitty Heaven. *pours out Diet Coke for Monie*


Blogger Ananse's Web said...

Girl I missed the show!
I really would have liked to come and support!

I wish you had some pics or something. I feel you with the fake lashes and fake hair and all that its like whats real! Its all an illusion it seems.

I am soooo sorry to hear about your cat, we have a dog and if anything happened to him I would be a wreck.

1:13 PM, June 28, 2005  
Blogger The Humanity Critic said...

good post.

1:34 PM, June 28, 2005  
Blogger Nandi Yaa said...

I can't stand thieving folks. We can say we're gonna think the best, but we know the worst happened, especially if you zipped the pocket. Ughhh!

I can't wait 'til you have those stories up and posted. I love, love short stories. I write them all the time. *Read the following as if in real small letters* I just haven't put them together in a collection for publication, like I should have done years ago. LOL But, I promise, this year I will. You get out yours, and I'll get out mine. You first. hehehe

And modeling is definitely not for original women. All that fluff just changes everything. But, hey, you got the experience and to see what all the hoopla is about.

Sowwy about kitty . . .


3:26 PM, June 28, 2005  

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