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Sunday, June 19, 2005

A Daughter's Love

Danjaruz Depiction:

Daily Danjaruz Deliberation:
I want my unborn son to be just like my daddy
I want my husband to be just like my daddy

Danjaruz Disclosures, Declarations, and Diatribes:
My daddy had to work on Father's Day.

That sucks doesn't it? I mean if there is one day that fathers should have off, it should be father's day. There was, however, a very good reason why my father was at work today. He worked today so he could be off NEXT Sunday.

Next Sunday is the day of my fashion show.

See, this is why I love my daddy. He would rather work on Father's Day Sunday, the day he should be treated to breakfast lunch and dinner, some cheesy gifts, and love and adoration, than miss the fashion show I'm only doing 3 walks in. He negotiated with his boss to get that day off, even though it is the last Sunday of the month, and the busiest where he works, just so he could come and see his baby in her show.

My dad was never the richest man. He was never the man who would brag and boast about himself and his accomplishments. In fact, the only things I have ever heard my father brag about are his children and his basketball skills. I could have made my father a really sloppy peanut butter and jelly sandwich as a father's day gift, and he would probably call someone and brag about it. Why? because my daddy loves me. I'm his first born and his only daughter. I'm a daddy's girl, and I know it.

I grew up knowing that whatever I wanted, I need only ask my daddy and he would do whatever it took to get it for me. I was just never the kind of kid to ask for much, which further amplified my father's desires to get me anything I wanted. He knew he and my mother had raised a humble child. Though my parents were divorced when I was 5 and life wasn't easy, my dad's presence was always felt in my life. Even during the few years I didn't see him, I always asked people "where is my daddy?" One person said, "If your daddy loved you, he would come see you" to which I responded in all of my precociousness "My daddy loves me!! Your daddy aint shit and he hates you!! My daddy will come see me next week" Sure enough, my parents worked out their differences and my daddy came that next week to see me.

I had shows in boarding school and college, my dad drove distances to sit in an audience for 1.5-2 hours, no matter if I had a lead role or if I'd only done the make-up and hair for a show. He often sat in the back row, not wanting to block anyone's view with his 6'6 frame. He would have a smile that beamed so brightly, it reflected the most pure love on this earth: the love a father has for his daughter.

No, my father isn't perfect. But you couldn't tell me that growing up and even now, I'd tell you I only say that because it is the PC thing to say. My dad is perfect to me. I have always had somewhat of a distance in between myself and my parents, for different reasons, but the distance is still there. I often isolate myself from them. I might speak to my dad once every two weeks, and usually he calls me. My mom calls me every 3 days like clockwork if I dont call her. As I get older, I find I reach out to them less and less. It isnt that I don't love my father. I think it is more because I want to show him that I can do it. I want to show my daddy that I am a big girl. Unfortunately be I 6, 16, or 26, I am still his little girl. Maybe that will change when he walks me down the aisle. =)

He told me that the first complete sentence I uttered to him was "I do it daddy", as I toddled over to the stereo to turn it on and get my 18 month old dance on.

And I CAN do it, mainly because of the distant support I have always gotten from my father. He was overprotective but from a distance. He always dropped jewels of wisdom a few months after I'd already learned them for myself. I always said "I knowwww daddy" and he would be like "Well I dont know what you know, but this is what Im telling you".

He is the person who taught me how to cross the street.

He taught me the importance of never, ever touching any part of my body to a public bathroom.

He showed me the best ways to sneak into movies, since movies cost too damn much to pay tha tmuch for one damn movie.

He showed me how to steer a car by sitting me in between his legs as he hit the gas and I steered. I was 3.

He taught me how to never pull all of my money in one place, but rather divide it up between my shoes, socks, underwear, pockets, and if I must, my wallet.

He showed me how to properly wipe myself, after using his long arms as a potty on the side of the road, in between two open car doors.

He taught me how to be a playa. This was done by spending the night at his house with one live-in girlfriend, meeting up with another one for some money, and then heading to see another for a fun-filled day at a street festival....on her.

He told me that it didn't matter if a man was white, black, green, or a midget, as long as he loved me, he would be alright with my dad.

He is the man who showed me what true rage is, when he almost killed [snapped the neck of]someone else's child who'd thrown a lit pack of firecrackers down my shirt.

Most of all, my father showed me that no matter what I do, where I am, how I am feeling, he will always and forever love his baby girl.

I love you daddy.


Blogger Amadeo said...

Dig it, another father deserving of the Big Piece of chicken.

12:34 PM, June 22, 2005  

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