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Thursday, August 18, 2005

Good Lord Things Are Wonderfully Crazy

Danjaruz Demeanor:

Danjaruz Disclosures, Declarations, and Diatribes:
Hey folks!!! This is what has been going down in the world of Danja

1. I found someone to take in my kitty, Giz. I am SO happy about this because I was so worried about what would happen to him if I had to take him to a shelter. I love him but he needs to be with someone else. My coworker is going to take him in, so I can keep up with him and know that he is well-cared for.

2. Papi is moving into my house next week. Since the Parkchester demons have decided to grab me by the ovaries until the end of my lease, we decided this would be the best move. So I'm having the exterminator come and I am going to clean my apartment from top to bottom since I really havent been staying there. I stayed overnight last night for the first time in like two months. It was weird, partially because he is away on a business trip and I miss him terribly and partially because it felt weird to be at my apartment since I have gotten so comfortable living in Harlem.

3. I have had the chance to spend a lot of time with my step-daughter this past week. We have had her since her mom was on a business trip. I'm so happy that he has allowed me to join in on raising her. She and I have grown very close over the past few months and we have our own special relationship. We had to drop her off at his mom's house and she grabbed me so tight; she didnt want to leave. I admit I got emotional, as it was hard to let her go, even though I know she will be back tomorrow. He told me he feels blessed to have me in his life helping him raise her. My mom and I took her to Chuck E. Cheese this past sunday with my cousin's two sons, cuz he had to work. She had the BEST time and, as expected, did not want to leave. She liked my mom and they got along well, and she even clicked with the boys. She is getting really good at potty training now and the words I hear most often are "M'chelle [this is how it sounds coming from her] I gah go peepee". Have you ever heard more precious words? *sigh* Moms was like "Welcome to Motherhood" Yeah, it is SO much easier when you can give them back lol. But seriously, I welcome the job. And that "hurry up the baby is sleeping nd might wake up" sex is definitely exciting.

4. I am excited about the NYC blogger gathering. I am going to link up with Golden somehow and solidify the plans. I havent had much computer access but I am going to make sure we have a great time labor day weekend.

5. I upgraded my cable package. Now that the bill will be split 50/50, I can get MORE channels and pay much less than I was paying alone. This is big to me, folks. Staying with him, i have gotten used to having a multitude of options for television programming. Now, we will have it at my home. Anyone check out Battle Of The Network Reality Stars last night? It was good, I'm hooked already. So You Think You Can Dance is another show I'm hooked on too. Oh, and Being Bobby Brown. Even Papi watches that and he HATES reality television. We also have our daily doses of The Family Guy, which we are both SO glad they brought back with new episodes. Who is with me? LOL

6. Not having internet access has shown me how much I don't miss it or care much about it. I mean I sign onto yahoo messenger and prolly only talk to one or two people. I dont reach out to folks and folks dont reach out to me, and interestingly enough, I am perfectly ok with this. My email inbox is full of things that I dont really need to read about and my life goes on without it. I find that I have fun going out with my peoples or my boyfriend and his/our friends. My favorite thing, though, is when I can sit at home, have my man cook me dinner, put my feet up, and watch a good movie with him, cuddled up, laughing, talking, comparing ideas about it, etc. Before he and I began dating, I had decided to take a break from all of the partying, drinking, clubbing, etc. There just comes a point when you just ease up and stop. Some people dont know what that point is, and it varies for many, but for me the time came earlier than most. Im in my mid-twenties and I have retred my clubbing, lol. This is not to say I wont go out dancing in a club or head to a lounge for socializing every now and then, because I know I will and I have been. But this routine of going out every weekend and sometimes during the week is over, so very over lol. Some folks ignored the memo when they got it years ago.

7. The book is coming along well. I feel good about this one folks!

That is about it for me folks. Sorry to disappoint those of you who would like me to update it more often. Look for more once my net access at work is up and running.


Blogger The Humanity Critic said...

sounds like things are going well..

4:45 PM, August 18, 2005  
Blogger Chele said...

Especially in the case of "net folks" I've found that no news is good news. When people drop off the net, it's ususally because they've found it's all good.

2:32 AM, August 27, 2005  

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