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Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Tuesday Masturbation

Danjaruz Demeanor:

Daily Danjaruz Deliberation:

Danjaruz Disclosures, Declarations, and Diatribes:

Ok so my job has ben moving for what seems like forever. Ihave no internet access but my office is the bomb. Our new building is so nice and high tech n shit, we look like a legitimate business lol. Let us see how long his lasts before people manage to turn it to shit. My first office was super nice, very big, but then they moved me to another spot. The new spot is fine too. I still have my own office and I have practiced closing my door and blocking people out, but it is on the second floor. I guess that is ok though because the location gives me even MORE privacy. but yeah, we still arent open for business so I still feel like I am on partial vacation.

I'm still mourning the loss of my laptop, especially considering that my writer's block is gone and the book is really happening. I have finally settled on the story i want to tell, have it all outlined, characters are set. I wrote a rough draft of the first chapter and realized I was taking the easy way out. I was writing a book for the fans of books by EJD.ickey and Omar Tyree or those stupid ass ghetto fiction novels. That is too easy; money making, but too easy. I dont want to go out like that. So I have been taking my time, making sure I am writing this book the way I want to write it. It might mean that it doesn't sell as well, but oh well. I will feel good knowing I have written the book I wanted to write.

I work on it at work, and it will be much easier now that I have my own office.

I havent been reading other blogs and keeping up like I used to simply because I have had neither time nor access to do so. We have a computer at home, but when I am home, I don't spend a lot of time on the computer. I have other things to do lol.

A friend with whom I recently reconnected told me she spoke to someone we used to be friends with and said that the woman was a bit short with her. I said fuck her. Thats my feeling about most things lately. Especially people. Everything is like, fuck it. Im a different person, unwilling to deal with past b.s. if folks are still stuck in the past and stewing in their own incompetance, that isnt my problem. She has the same birthday as Papi. [BIG BIRTHDAY SHOUT OUT TO THE LOVE OF MY LIFE 8/1/05... ONE MORE YEAR AND YOU ARE 30 OLD MAN, BUT I LOVE U SO MUCH I WILL COLOR YOUR GRAY HAIRS WHEN THEY COME IN, EVEN YOUR PUBIES LOLLLLL]

Anyway, im really focused on moving. This apartment we got is in the works but the landlord says he is working on some things [getting people out, cleaning apt, etc]. As he works on some things, we are going to keep looking. Never put your eggs all in one basket. We are still moving by the 1st and we are both so excited to begin this stage of our life together.

I realize that I have really been out of the loop. People around me have so much going on that I am totally oblivious to. I am trying to reach out more to people nd find out what is going on. In fact, I hope people can drop me lines letting me know whats good [or bad] with them. Once I get moved and settled in both at work and at home, I think I will get back to keeping better in touch.

Now I need to masturbate lol

So long for now!!

Danjaruz Haiku:


Blogger Ananse's Web said...

Had to come by and read up....and this is like the same damn convo we had last night. lol. But you made sense then and you make sense now....
coloring pubes..yeah im with breez on that one. lol

9:13 AM, August 10, 2005  
Blogger courtney said... your blog

12:59 PM, August 12, 2005  

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