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Thursday, September 01, 2005

Looting Vs. Finding

White people "FIND" things Click here for a photo and accompanying caption

Black people "LOOT" things Click here for a photo and accompanying caption

The media is still racist people. This country is still racist. It is up to you to take things into your own hands and help YOUR people!!

1st. Thank you to everyone who has responded to the call to help my friend Melanie and her family, and thank you to everyone who is making efforts to help the survivors of the hurricane.

2nd. I wanted to set up an Old Navy registry online but couldnt figure out if they even had such a thing. I am suggesting that people who wish to send clothing, please go to or other stores and send clothing directly from the website. It would be a LOT easier for you to just point and click, rather than haul to the store, package everything up, and then head to the post office. Do not worry about getting duplicate items, trust me, they WILL be used.

3rd. My people, my people, my people. I want to speak on this looting that is taking place. There are, in my opinion, two sides to this.

Side 1: People are going buck wild, trying to take anything they can get their hands on for free. This is not including the people taking essentials like food, water, diapers, medicines, etc. This is about the people taking TVs, DVD players, and other electronic things that they have NO use for considering the city has no electricity. Why, oh why, do they have to show the BLACK people on television going wild and acting up?? I mean, don't we always think to ourselves, why does it have to be black people? I mean people are getting so bad, they shot a cop in the head, they have been shooting at helicopters, they are threatening violence on others, because they feel they have the RIGHT to take the excessive items.

Side 2: People are taking what they can because they are fed up with the life they have had to live and they see this as the opportunity to get the things they only used to dream of, even if they cant do anything with the items. 1/3 of New Orleans residents lived below the poverty level. 2 out of 3 home and business owners had no flood insurance. There were areas of the city that looked abandoned and desolte, uninhabitable by humans, but people "lived" there. Maybe, this hurricane brought out that rage and anger in them and they are rebeling agains the lives they have. They are rebelling against the system that systematically created, implemented, and perpetuated plans to keep these people imprisoned in their poverty. Maybe they are expressing their poor, black angst. Maybe they just want to know what it is like, for the few minutes that it lasts, to possess something expensive, new, not second-hand.

I think back on the riots in Los Angeles after the Rodney King incident. The same could be said for those people. Was it merely ignorance that fueled people to ransack stores, jack cars, and destroy businesses for their own personal gain? Or were people rebelling and expressing anger and rage against a system that trapped them in impoverished prisons? Or is it a combination of both?

I am reading reports of rapes in the Superdome. They say a baby died, but that has not been confirmed. I am sure that there are people dying as the water breeds bacteria and disease begins to spread. People going without fresh water, no food, no fresh air, one can only imagine the devasation. But rape? 25,000 people hovered in a Superdome, all without homes, food, water, clothes. All stuck in a place rank with human waste, body odor, sickness, and despair, and people are falling victim to rape? As if losing everything, and possibly family members, is not enough? Now there are women and girls falling victim to sexual predators and not feeling safe?

This is barbaric and cannot be as easily explained as the looting.

Has anyone else noticed how nonchalant our president seems to be about this? Maybe I am speaking from my own anger and maybe I ought to go loot the White House, but that is neither here not there. The man was on vacation and he flew over New Orleans in Air Force One. He made no efforts to stop and land in a nearby area and possibly speak first hand with locals, maybe offer some face-to-face words of encouragement to the people doing search and rescue. Maybe he could have stopped at a mobile hospital and made his presence felt. What he did was give a 3-day late, lackluster speech about what we already know and talked about the other people who were going to be handling this situation.

I am not going to waste time condemning the prez or joining the bandwagon of people who are using this as a chance to bash the president. I have never liked, respected, or honored that fuck head anyway, so this is nothing new. I am just amazed at the apparent indifference or nonchalance-- or rather, lack of urgency in handling this. Why? Because the majority of the areas and people affected in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama are POOR. They are either poor whites or poor people of color. Not all, but many are barely making it above working class. Poor areas have been wiped out. New orleans has a large population of color. From Haitians, Creoles, Cubans, Puerto Ricans, and Mexicans to descendants of slaves. Mobile is a poor city. Biloxi isnt that better off. This is still capitalist America that doesnt give a shit about its poor.

For those of you aiding the efforts, continue doing what you are doing. For those of you still wondering what to do, just do a search on the net to find all of the organizations soliciting donations and aid.


Blogger Chele said...

I'll be damned. I clicked both the links and only found one pic.

Yes they DID remove the pic of the white person "finding"...because of "controversy"...but the pic of the black person "looting" is still there. That is some bs.

I don't care what anyone says, race definitely plays a factor in this.

4:48 PM, September 02, 2005  

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